Are Hardcore PVPers Mentally Ill?

See, i don’t get this at all. They are the enemy, killing them is the one and only reason you have for choosing a pvp server. You can have perfectly fair fights in pve servers with duels and battlegrounds. I understand not wanting to play on a server where people can kill you at any time, i understand being upset by it and choosing to remove yourself from that situation, what i don’t understand is choosing to play there and then complaining when it happens. It doesn’t get any more simple than “because that is what we are here for”.

Have you been reading my posts? World PVP is fun when you accidentally (or even intentionally) run into a fight where both sides have a chance. It makes the levelling experience more interesting. When it happens this way, the experience of being out in the world is more interesting than when it never happens. Unfortunately, that sort of encounter where either side could win, is rare compared to the amount of time someone essentially runs through with god mode and presses a button to kill everyone.

This is rarely just some random encounter, some guy travelling through and killing the enemy he sees. Usually it’s a concerted griefing effort where the guy will wait for the low player to try to respawn and then kill them again, wasting as much of that player’s time is possible until that player eventually quits, which I suppose is victory for such a player.

Does intent not matter at all to you? Is two equal level players running into each other trying to do the same quest and fighting it out the same as a level 80 killing a level 20 who has no chance whatsoever to harm him, a guy who was specifically there to kill level 20 players to waste their time?

Well, technically you’re there to gain xp. Killing NPC’s or low level players doesn’t gain you xp.

Nothing gets you xp when you are max level. You play for fun.

Not at all. It’s a game, the goal is to have fun. As long as it is within the rules then it is fair game. You are not SenorBeef the quite likely very decent human being, you are Thorg the orc and i will stab your ass just for being green if i can.

Yes, that’s kind of the question here, isn’t it. Where, exactly, is the fun in running around killing players who has no way of fighting back?

To add: players who are attempting to gain xp, while paying their subscription (in many cases).

Do you go out and intentionally seek out people who can’t fight back? Do you wait for them to respawn so that you can do it again, causing the most possible down time for them?

Making other people have a worse time is quite unfortunately in itself quite fun for a lot of people. That’s the whole issue.

Usually, as bait. You start killing lowbies and the higher levels show up, usually. Some people simply enjoy feeling extremely powerful, that is after all a big draw for this kind of game. It’s like playing a single player game in god mode, personally i don’t see the appeal but i am sure lots of people do. Others do it for the celebrity status, the most famous gankers always get a lot of attention. Hell i still remember the name of the guy who made my life miserable when i started wow in 04.

Right, but it doesn’t seem like it would destroy the game play to offer a criminally ganked player an alternate starting point far enough away that camping becomes impossible. He doesn’t have to start at the end of the universe just a random location nearby. Other online games deal with spawn camping this way.

No, i actually don’t do any of those things. I was an arena and battleground pvper when i played WoW, in fact i likely did not leave Stormwind in several years. The whole ganking and corpse camping thing wastes a whole lot more of your time than the victims, and for what? a five second run back to your corpse? the distance at which you can res is so large that it becomes nearly impossible to actually camp someone unless they chose to keep returning to the same spot. That’s another reason why people do it, some people just don’t get the whole “i lost, i should go somewhere else” part of pvp, they feel like they should be able to hunt anywhere they want even if they chose to play on a server where that choice can be taken away from them.

Somewhat on topic, and offered for comedic value, I give you…Fansy the Famous Bard

The argument you’ve given is “That’s what we’re here for; therefore, it is fun.” That’s not a very good argument, though, is it?

What Oakminister (and many others) don’t understand is why you think it’s fun? “That’s what we’re here for” doesn’t answer this question. We know that’s what it’s for. The question is, why does anyone want something to exist that is for that?

It’s fun for the same reason shooting people in call of duty is fun, for the same reason dunking on someone in basketball is, for the same reason taking your money in monopoly is fun. Winning is fun. And it is not just the simple act of killing someone, what is the most fun is playing in a world where that is possible, where there is always that constant danger.


This this this.

And that doesn’t meant you are mentally ill if you subscribe to the ideology behind this post.

There is no danger in one shotting a player many levels below you. There is no “winning” in that scenario either, since there is no competition.

Say “this” all you want but his point doesn’t make sense. Shooting people in call of duty gives them the chance to shoot you right back - you’re both on equal footing. Dunking on someone, assuming you’re roughly equal in skill, is fun. This is the equivelant of equal-level PVP in WoW, whether it be arena, battlegrounds, or world pvp against players in level-appropriate areas.

What we’ve been talking about is more like running around with god mode in COD and dunking on a 6 year old. What “ideology” behind that post are you talking about? No one is asking why people would want to compete or fight other players on roughly equal terms. Is anyone actually reading what the discussion is about?

Yes; Because people who legitimately play PvP for the challenge of honest to goodness real competition wouldn’t touch MMO PvP with its gear and levels and bazillions of unbalancing factors with a 30 foot mouse cord.

If you want to prove you are better than someone at something, play a game where the playing field is vaguely level - I don’t care if it’s StarCraft, Call of Duty, Street Fighter, Chess, or Fantasy Football. Playing PvP in an MMO is like playing chess where if you spend enough time polishing your pieces then you can play with a front row of all queens. That’s not competition, that’s just getting your rocks off by unfairly stomping on other people.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. See my first post in this thread.

Gear and levels my friend, gear and levels.

Why would you play a game where by spending enough time not doing PvP, your opponent can get a big advantage IN PvP?