Just a few points:
The first and third links were about over imitating. They gave a balanced view about how it’s a cost to the other things it enables.
Here is essentially a summary of the second, just the “key points”:
99+% of the time, the evolutionary process is very slow, it takes many centuries for very small changes to a species, to occur. In a few rare instances, the evolutionary process is very rapid, such as a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. Most humans refer to this as “metamorphosis”, rather than evolution, but it is clearly an evolutionary process.
The significant differences in human brain functionality from all other simians, suggests a birth defect caused a singular simian to divert from the norm, and this singular simian reproduced, passing along his defectiveness to his offspring, who passed it along to their offspring, and on and on, resulting in the formation of a new, different species, which now calls itself the “human being”.
Let’s analyze the radical differences that exist between humans and all other species.
The human being, alone among all other species, has experienced a singularly unique, unmatched and catastrophic, failure to thrive.
Only the human being chooses to end his own existence, via both dynamic and long-term suicide.
Only the human being chooses to suffer and to inflict pain/harm upon himself.
Only the human being hides from reality, pathologically creating and dwelling within fictional illusions of the real world.
Only the human being tries to solve minor problems, while ignoring and pretending that other, much more major and important problems, don’t exist.
Only the human is a pathological addict to substances that are actively harmful to him.
Only the human negates his own Self-value, leaving it to others to control how he feels about Himself.
Only the human consciously chooses to harm and destroy the environment upon which he is dependent for survival.
Only the human directs negative perception of Self, upon himself.
Only the human insists upon continuing to do what has failed over and over in the past.
Only the human chooses slavery over freedom.
These are all profound dysfunctions of behavior and thought, directly originating within the brain. And they are all unmatched by any other creature. Simians DO demonstrate very mild versions of a few of these pathologies, proving the legitimacy of evolution, but at the same time demonstrating the vast gulf between their much more functional brains, and validating the birth defect origins of the human brain.
Some will point out My past writings on the impact of universal child abuse and the fact every human is a tortured victim-creation of EXTERNAL trauma.
Why are humans functioning on a more brain dysfunctional level today, than 10,000 years ago? Because all genetic birth defects are progressive in nature. They get worse over time, as they are passed down from generation to generation.
I challenge you to articulate even ONE primary-level human problem, that humanity has solved over the past 10,000 years. Just ONE, name it! Hunger? Pain? Poverty? Child abuse? Familial violence? Belief in mythologies and supernatural idols? Injustice? Death? Nothing has been solved, nothing! Everything wrong 10,000 years ago, is exactly the same today, only worse. Another beautiful evidentiary proof of the birth defect status of the human brain.
There are three primary levels of brain functionality: Instinct, emotion, and intellect. These three are separate and distinct from each other. Within the human brain, ONLY the human brain, instinct is severely compromised. Natural instinct, for survival, well-being, for freedom, for autonomy.
The human brain, in all of its intellectual glory, can perceive certain realities, such as death, that many other species apparently cannot consciously perceive. But it cannot DEAL with these reality perceptions, it cannot cope with them. That is not NORMAL.
A genetically healthy brain either perceives AND deals with specific realities, or does NOT perceive, and therefore has no need to deal with, specific realities. But to perceive, but not be able to deal, is a dysfunction of brain DESIGN, a genetic defect.
Human children for example, are virtually always operating under the constant fear of being punished or reprimanded for not following the exact instructions of adult members of the species. However, the researchers in the linked paper attempted to prove and are inclined to believe that the ‘over-imitation’ displayed by human children is not a result of social factors and is more likely attributed to a inherent defect in causal learning. That is, the humans incorrectly identify all steps in a demonstrated process as being causally meaningful, even when they are not.
Regardless, I found it interesting to consider especially in relation to the perpetual ‘follower mindset’ that saturates collective human mentality and the inability of the human species to correctly identify and solve problems and to think radically and independently, in favour of ‘following suit’.
The universal manipulation and destruction of the young human mind definitely cannot be discounted, and obviously plays a large role in the overwhelming conformance of humans and in their neediness to be led.
I like in Your essay that You define and comment on evidentiary proof because it is consistently undervalued. Science claims to and at times does strive hard to eliminate any and all bias, but one of the greatest failings of science is that it is conducted by humans and so is already and automatically under a tremendous amount of bias and corruption, much of which the human ‘scientists’ are completely naïve to. Add to this the Fact that science is funded by and ordered to meet the requirements of the government and we have a very sorry picture indeed… “Find what we want you to find, god damn it!”
I can’t accurately summarize any of this without proper context, but these are the key remarks.