This thread is a desperate attempt to discuss something that doesn’t involve Bush, God, or homosexuality (or all 3), so please avoid mention of all three. For the sake of simplicity, this thread is assuming that there is no divine presence guiding anything, and we are how we are by evolution. Please read the whole post before replying, I have an important caveat at the bottom.
Anyway, the topic of discussion is the monogamous nature of the animal, humans. I’ve heard scattered arguments on both sides (that we are monogamous and that we aren’t). Human nature seems to be wildly random in this type of thing; some are strictly monogamous, some strictly can’t be.
From an evolutionary point of view, the long duration of rearing a young human pretty much requires the presence of a male provider (or males - in either a polygamous or a tribal sense) (my use of the term “male provider” is not to be taken in a modern social/political context, but an evolutionary one). For the man, he may have the best chance of passing on his genes if he has one wife and guards her closely, or if he spreads his seed around as much as possible, trusting that another man will care for the youth. Similarly, a female may have either a close relationship with one man and have security, or mate with many. Human females are rare in that they conceal ovulation and don’t go into periods of heat, which may or may not have important evolutional reasons (that is a debate in itself).
Within our branch of zoology, our close relatives are dissimilar. They either mate infrequently but monogamously, work as a pack, or have other machanisms. In the larger animal kingdom, it is rare for a monogamous relationship to exist, which is seen mostly in sea birds (and then, even they sleep around).
Adding to the complexity are the human social traits, which can’t be compared to anything in the animal kingdom. On top of that, we are subjective analysts of this, being humans and members of a society that almost exclusively practices technically monogamous relationships. Additionally, we seem to be unique in regarding reproduction as fun instead of a necessity done only when the time is right.
For my take on the issue, I think that humans are mostly monogamous, but have the same tendancies of the sea birds to cheat whenever possible to enhance chances of reproduction. I say mostly monogamous in the sense that there are virtually no animals that are totally monogamous - they mate monogamously by vicinity or for protection, and even then, as with humans and sea birds, they “cheat” frequently. I believe that this cheating is a side effect of our evolutional development.
So, there are the questions and issues with the statements I made above, plus the discussion of correlation and causation between our physiology, genetics, and evolution with our social structure.
And all of this is completely leaving out emotions, which are a whole nother story, along with how we evolved such complex emotions and what function they serve evolutionary-wise. But please avoid bringing emotional-based examples up. Make another thread for it, maybe. One could make the argument that exclusing emotion makes this discussion invalid, since emotion plays such a strong role in seual relations, but defining and accounting for it is unrealistic.