Are Klaus Kobec watches a scam?

I’m beginning to see more and more Klaus Kobec watch adverts in magazines. The ones that advertise $800 retail, $200 your price, $600 in your pocket or something like that. But I have yet to see a KK watch in a store. So if in fact no one was selling KK watches for $800, then it would be false advertisment? So why are legitimate magazines taking their ads, and has anyone ever seen a KK watch for $800 retail?

Looking at the ads, they don’t say quart movement (no hope of being a automatic), they don’t say Swiss made or even Swiss movement, I have a feeling they are $20 watches. But they must be selling these watches as there are more and more ads. Finally, has anyone bought one?

Admittedly, this is from their own website at however, here is some info about them:

An explanation as to why they are so much cheaper:

Where to find them (sort of):

And whether or not they’re Swiss:

Again, these are all from the company’s own website, so caveat emptor.

It is quite possible that one of the watch mavens in the public message forum group at can answer your question.

As a follow up I would think this claim-

“Klaus Kobec and Zeitner have for years been universally acclaimed as two of the finest watches ever made.”

is rendered highly questionable by the fact there is not a single mention of these watches in the entire TZ message database for several years back, in a forum that is devoted exclusively to all types of high quality (not necessarily expensive) and interesting watches.

If you are looking for a good “true” automatic (not a kinetic) the Seiko scubamasters and alpinists for
250 - 400 and Invicta’s 80 - 200 are excellent values (invictas are an absolutely amazing deal for the quality!) Seiko outlet stores often have great deals on practically brand new watches.

Ask about quality automatics within a certain price range and the members at timezone will give you some excellent pointers.

See for current pricing.