Are MxPx still Christian?

I was just involved in a thread about different Christian bands out there, and I offered MxPx. Jonfromdenver and Searching for Truth stated that they didn’t think that they still were, and said that they had heard MxPx had renounced their beliefs.

Curious, I proceeded to go and ask some of my punker friends and to check around on the net. I couldn’t find an answer either way. The closest I came to getting an answer was that MxPx were still Christian…sort of.

Basically, while still Christians, their songs were more secular and intended to have a broader appeal. I’m not sure I buy it.

Can someone please help me solve the mystery by providing a link or reputable reference of some sort?

Real punks that listen to MxPx? Sheesh. What’s the world coming to?

The conclusion I came to a few years ago is: their old label was a Christian label, and I sort of think they were forced to make most of their songs “lalala Jesus loves me” - ish. I know that the president of the company (?) was very, very controlling and beat them out of a lot of money.

Now that they’ve gotten away from that label, they’re more free to do whatever they want.

Of course, that’s just my opinion - though I cannot imagine them renouncing their beliefs (when’s the last time you saw any hardcore-devout-Christian renounce their beliefs, anyway? :)). n their website, it says: “Hold your faith in God close to your heart and Stand Tall, Stand Proud, Stand Together.” (in reference to 9/11)

I couldn’t agree more. This whole wave of new emo-ish bands that call themsevles punk makes me sick. This includes: New Found Glory, Blink182, The Ataris, et al. How and why can these bands call themselves “punk”? And let’s not even go into what an oxymoron “christian-punk” is.

As for the OP: I think they just relaxed on this christian thing to make more money. Normally it goes the other way around but claiming christianity in punk music isn’t going to get you very far.

One time, a guy told me that a Xian band was “pretty hardcore.” I suppressed a roll-eyes, but just barely.

Lets do. In no way is Christian Punk an oxymoron. Back in the day, I, and a large number of the punks I knew considered themselves Christian. This was in the Dallas/Ft. Worth punk scene, back in the eighties. And I’m not talking about weekend go play punk and pray mommy doesnt find out types, but serious hard-core street punks.

People who make statements like that dont really understand what punk is all about. Its about doing what you think you should do, not what other people try to tell you to do, and if that means being Christian, an Odinist, or whatever, thats what you did, and no real punk would ever critisize you for it.I had good friends who had all sorts of beliefs, and nobody put anybody down for it.

I’ve known Christian punks, goths, metalheads, you name it.

I think there is a distinction between music made by Christians and music about Christianity. The former may well occasionally make songs about their faith, since musicians tend to sing about what’s important to them. The latter gets boring, I think music should be made for it’s own sake, not to exclusively promote a particular cause.

Couldnt agree more.

I love you.

damn right! it’s only punk if the band was formed to sell fashion. like the sex pistols.

none of this new crap.

*Originally posted by Cisco *

Hahahaha…I believe I have heard them termed “punk lite” before. Yes, these bands are definitely not true punk…but pop that is punk based in that they have fast guitars (usually) and fairly simple rythms and chord structures.

while i agree with you, how can even put mxpx into this category? they are not new at all, they have been around for over 7 years, before any of this emo crap even popped up. it was such a travesty to see mxpx tour with blink182, and mxpx open up for them even though they had been around for so much longer. but who would blame them? they needed the publicity.