Are Pynchon's references to Porky Pig cartoons in Lot 49 real? Other cartoons?

I’m curious if in The Crying of Lot 49 the “Porky Pig and the anarchist” cartoon is a reference to a real cartoon? If you’ll take out your books and turn to Chapter 4, page 73 in my book, it’s during the conversation with Mr. Thoth about Thoth’s dream of his grandfather.*

Also, I think I’ve heard of other Looney Toons cartoons with very political undertones.

Aren’t there even banned cartoons?

Just curious…

not sure about the Porky Pig one specifically, but if you go over to and, you can find a number of questionable Warner Bros. cartoons, including ones about Hitler and other cartoons of political propaganda.

This current thread mentions the infamous “Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs,” and includes some very useful links.

Yes, it’s one of the early Porky Pig cartoons, The Blow-Out.