I had a conversation tonight that basically went like this:
[dude that works in ER] I saw a nasty compound fracture today - Skidoo accident.
[random girl] Those are really dangerous.
[dtwiER] Yeah they are. They go really fast!
[me] Skidoos are not dangerous.
[rg] Yes they are.
[me] No they’re not.
[rg] Yes they are.
[me] Are not!
[rg] Are too!
[me] NOT!
[rg] TOO!!
[rg and me, in unison] MOOOOM! (Okay, not really.)
And on and on until we started talking about how motorcycles are dangerous too, but at least they don’t fall through the ice. And then I pointed out that they would if someone were to drive it onto a lake that wasn’t safe, and that snowmobiles that are used on trails don’t fall through the ice, either. And my car can go really fast, too, but it isn’t dangerous until someone who doesn’t know/care what they’re doing drives it. And blahblahblah. Anyway, I feel dumb for arguing about something so stupid and I hope Random Girl and I are still cool, but whatever. I have to know.
Are snowmobiles inherently dangerous?