Are surgeons in bikinis a teensy-weensy bit unprofessional?

Article just today (July 28) on Yahoo!Life:

Article is a bit unclear if she actually did this, but seems to suggest that she did something of the sort.

She should probably put on at least gloves if there is opportunity to do so (at the facility, not the middle of the ocean), but otherwise, more power to the good doctor.


Twitter is a lot less private than Facebook and the contents of a the pictures and the genders of the person are not at issue. Its not having the sense to realise that such a hashtag is a fishing attempt to obtain tonnes of free swimsuit pictures.

It can be. Male fetuses are more fragile and more vulnerable to the effects of stressors in utero, and there is some evidence that the ratio of sperm with X versus Y chromosomes can shift under pressure from environmental factors. For example, parents who smoke are more likely to have daughters, as are fathers who have been exposed to dioxin. (Meanwhile, women exposed to dioxin have more sons, but women in high-stress jobs are more likely to have daughters.) In some Arctic communities, there are now twice as many girls as boys, possibly linked to the accumulation of DDT, PCBs, and other endocrine disrupters in fish, seals, and other traditional foodstuffs.

What about having an Onlyfans site brings one’s decision-making ability into question?

I think it would unprofessional for a prominent professional to post pictures of themselves “getting wasted” or taking illegal drugs. But I’m pretty sure that the professionals I deal with have a life outside of work and I’m not going to be outraged because they wear bathing suits and drink beer.

Years ago, I saw a newsmagazine piece on young nuns, modern women that join religious orders. It showed some of them at retreat property on their day off, wearing swimsuits - two piece, even :exploding_head: and drinking beer.

I have a friend that’s a judge. She goes to parties. She drinks, not to excess and she doesn’t drink and drive - but she’ll have two or three at a party. And when we have pool parties she wears a swimsuit. I always thought that one of the great perks of having a good job and good income and big houses was the ability to host some awesome parties.

I don’t see people like my doctors and lawyers as parental or authority figures, I see them as equals and sometimes as friends. I really don’t see what the big deal is.

You mean, because of this trend, there are now pictures of scantily clad women on the internet?
Well, I never.

It’s not anyone with a site, it’s the idea that a doctor would have a site.

If you were shopping for a doctor, would you view the presence of that site as a neutral thing, or would your view be one way or the other?

I’d think most people would view it as a negative, if even only because it shows a career conflict of interest- are you a doctor or an Onlyfans model first? How do I know?

What about having an Onlyfans site brings a doctor’s decision-making ability into question?

So, a doctor who has another interest, hobby, or source of income has a “career conflict of interest”? What does “career conflict of interest” even mean?

Yeah, and the fishing hashtag must have been set up by someone who doesn’t know how to use Google.
Anyhow, I’d think the whole point of setting up the hashtag is that the women who post to it don’t think that they have to hide behind FB privacy.

Neutral. And there’s no conflict of interest there.

Why would they care who started it? All that matters is whether the idea resonates with them. Why would I care if the person who started it is so sad they needed bikini pics?

And the whole idea is to release the images to the public. That’s how this type of protest works. You make something really common, then no one can get in trouble for it. It’s the Mohammed cartoon style of protesting.

When feminists protest this sort of thing, they’re out there in public, where everyone can see them. Protests are not a private thing.

My dentist and I often discuss our vacations. Neither of us do the twitter or the facebook stuff. I assume my dentist wears a swim suit and enjoys a cocktail while in Cancun.

When did wearing a swimsuit and enjoying a cocktail on vacation become unprofessional?

I wouldn’t put a picture of me in a swimsuit doing tequila shots on my own business website, but personal websites are are different matter. Your Vascular Surgeon likes to have fun just like anyone else.

I think it’s very unprofessional for teachers and nurses and hair stylists and women in many other professions to post bikini pictures. Not just bikinis, but also undies, provocative Halloween costumes, and any kind of scanty swimwear. It would be awful if in protest to that sentiment women started posting pictures of their barely clad selves. That would be a really good way for them to get back at me so I hope they don’t do it.

Why is it that every time something like this comes up so many posters have to run into the thread with their “highly original” drooling over women jokes? What kind of environment do you think that creates for female posters on the Dope?

Moderator Note

This is an excellent example of the juvenile boy’s locker room type humor that we are trying to get rid of around here. It’s misogynistic and makes our female members uncomfortable. Do not do this again.

Well the profession has its share of vain, posturing fools too. So yeah the bathroom selfies and self absorbed preening for the camera shots reveal a distasteful mindset imo ymmv. Fortunately I can choose a different care provider than the latest wannabe contestant on Survivor.

Where is that like button?

Personally, I really don’t care what my professional does in their off time as long as they are not stoned/cranked on the job [barring of course white slavery, pedphilia and cooking meth. Really, as long as it is not illegal, I really don’t give a shit. ] I just want them at the top of their game while at work.

My favorite infusion tech has the most amazing tat full sleeves, one of the oncology nurses has great multiple piercings on his ears and a kick ass mohawk he dyes different colors. Do I care? Nope, I got my last tat at a shop she recommended. My surgeon breeds cockadoodles, I worry about that man [joke, they are cute as hell]

The picture she posted on twitter: [spoiler][/spoiler].

Spoilered for folks who don’t like blood.

I applied for my grocery store pharmacy job, where I ended up working for 3 years, in flip-flops, shorts, and a t-shirt. I obviously hadn’t planned on doing anything like that on that day.