Are the Visa "rewards" programs viable at all?

It says you pay $25 a year, and then they give you “1 reward point for every $2 net purchases”.
The points are can be redeemed for discounts or cash.
How likely is it that you would retrieve your $25? What would you have to spend?

The reason I don’t just read the fine print is that it’s my mom’s account.
I have the feeling they are taking advantage of an old lady, because she’s started to become a sucker for all sorts of odd solicitations.
Sure I trust banks more than unfamiliar charities, but it still seems unlikely they would give away more money than they take in.

How many points does she need for the cash redemption?

Can’t do anything w/o that.

I personally use cards that give me 3-5% back on everything I buy - no anual fee. One card will only give certificates but I do go to the place that takes them so that’s OK.

Well, I pay $50 or $60 per year for my airline card, and because I charge every, single thing to it and pay it off every month, I get airline miles fast – and no blackouts. So in the four years I’ve had it, say it’s cost me $240. But the airline tickets I’ve used would have cost me $2400, so I’m ahead.

Oh, and no, it doesn’t piss off the credit card company. They get 1%-3% of everything I charge! That’s better than interest.

I have an Amazon Visa.
Points toward an Amazon gift certificate.
Lower return, but no fee.
Excellent variety.
I’m happy.

I got an American Airlines credit card after I inherited my mom’s miles. Since I charge everything, I think it will ‘pay for itself’ when I have to start paying the annual $50 fee.

Until I got the AA card I charged everything to my REI card. I’ve been an REI member since the early-1980s. Over the years I’ve used my REI dividend for many, many Christmas gifts for friends and family, two pair of very nice Vasque hiking boots, a titanium spork, a Yakima rack system for my Jeep, clothing, camping gear, blankets, odds and sods, Pelican cases… And the card is free.

That’s a lot better than Discover’s 1%. Which cards give 3-5%?

Same here. It returns 1% of purchases as Amazon Gift certificates. so I get $25-$50 per month in Amazon gift certificates.

Actually 2 cards. Suburu MC card gives 3% back on everything, in suburu bucks, and since I have 2 'roos they get used. And Rewards V card gives 5% on gas/supermarkets/drug stores and 1% on everything else. Both issues by chase.

Both of these cards are also on the rewards network which gives sometimes 15% back on certain resturants (on top of the other rebates), which has no anual fee too - though you must be invited into their no annual fee program, AFAIK you can’t apply for it. I have often seen the rewards network offer a program for air miles for free however.