I’ve never heard of most of these weapons so I thought it was about humorous made up weapons sort of like Bruce McCall’s stuff, but the Christy Flying Tank is apparently real… or is it?
I believe these are all drawing-board weapons/plans that never came to fruition. Some of the notions (partic. re: the German space program) do seem familiar.
Several sound familiar, especially the Ratte and the aircraft carrier made of Pykrete (ice with wood pulp in it). As noted, they were concept weapons that never went into production.
I’ve heard of some of these plans before, so I’m inclined to believe it’s on the level.
I have a follow-up question though. Did the title phrase originate with the Darkest of the Hillside Thickets song My Tank or is that itself a reference to something else?
The remember reading about the ice aircraft carrier a long time ago. The weapons all seem to be the most unique of their kind from WW II. They didn’t necessarily ever have even a prototype constructed.
Project Habbakuk, so called because of the passage in the Book of Habakkuk (after a small spelling error): “…be utterly amazed, for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” ( Habakkuk 1:5, NIV)