Are there any intact 17th century ships anywhere?

Are there any preserved Galleons or warships from the 1600’s? Of the sort that would have been used during the days of Carribean Piracy? HMS Victory dates from the mid 1700’s so I suppose it’s possible something may be left from 100 years before.

The Vasa

That’s pretty much it.

here’s one: Mary Rose - Wikipedia

Wow–you guys got both of the ships that I’m aware of.

I’ve seen the Mary Rose display in Portsmouth, England.

The Vasa Museum is friggin’ cool. Well worth the visit if you’re ever in Stockholm.

I looked at the links provided. So I take it there are no 17th century vessels preserved to the extent of HMS Victory or Old Ironsides?

The Mary Rose is incredible. She’s just 9 years off being a *15th * century warship, it’s amazing that so much has been preserved.

BTW I love the names of these cannons from the 1514 inventory of the Mary Rose.

Cool name for a weapon in a video game! :slight_smile:

Well, neither the Victory nor the Constitution were recovered off of the sea bottom, so cut the Mary Rose and Vasa some slack. :wink: