I quit following politics about twenty years ago and haven’t looked back. I still vote, but usually just to vote against someone.
I pay attention to politics, at least insofar as it effects me (which most of it does). But the specific politicians, campaigns, bills, and petty attacks? I could care less. I feel like voting is a load of crap designed to make us feel better about being fucked over by the rich folks running things, but I still usually vote, like you said, just to cancel out some ignorant Donald Trump voter’s ballot.
I like the debates that stem from political topics, and I can’t help becoming somewhat familiar with the current crop of politicians due to spending time in Great Debates reading about them. But I consider my interest in politics (however small) to be a philosophical one. My own philosophies about government and society are so far outside the mainstream that no politician will represent my views if they don’t want to be laughed off the podium. But, my views on government and society are informed by the system we have today, so I try to at least keep a finger on the pulse of current political events.
So, I don’t know if that makes me “apolitical” or not. I certainly don’t identify with any of the major or minor political parties in the country currently (or probably ever).
I might fit into that apolitical description. The past decade or so I have become more political but admittedly I am not always as informed as I could be. I look at each issue as a stand alone issue and have found no party that meets my criteria for full support. I could easily be a close to center democrat or republican. I have no use for the far left or far right. The growing influence of the crazy right in recent years has pushed me further to the left but I still cringe at associating myself with their entire platform.
US Citizen here.
I’m pretty much apolitical. I am fully aware (as a US citizen) that the government is just a good ol boy network, and all about power, money, and staying in office and has nothing to do with governing the people.
I do have opinions, but why bother to vote when the actual results don’t matter?
I actually fully believe that the US would have a better government if we eliminated elections entirely, and made the whole process a lottery. Every citizen eligible for an office gets their name thrown in a hat. The day of the election, someone is selected at random. Done.
I cover my eyes when I vote.