are there regulations against sleeping in tour buses?

can passengers sleep in a tour bus which is parked at a rest stop for the night? Are there “you wouldn’t belief it’s not a motel” type of operations where the not-all-expenses-reimbursed people could spend the night sightseeing 40 mins drive from the city where they are on a business trip?

Isn’t that the whole point of a tour bus? I have friends who tour constantly, and if they didn’t sleep on the tour bus they’d never sleep at all. And the Megabus I often take runs two routes from Kansas City to Chicago, one traveling during the day, one overnight - I’d be shocked if virtually all the passengers weren’t sound asleep on the overnight bus.

You haven’t heard of Rotelyet? (Rolling hotels)

The general questions that would pop up are similar to sleeping in a car in a residential neighborhood: sleeping means you need a toilet and a washroom and a breakfast place. Peeing behind the next tree is frowned upon, so you need to park the tour bus at a camping site or similar with toilets. And then you need to pay a fee for that.

I’ve seen signs at rest stops prohibiting their use as sleeping places. (This was in Australia, I think.)

I would think that the tour bus would have an on-board bathroom facility, probably as complete, or better than the type you’d find in a camper.

From reading the translation of that webpage, that company appears to have actual beds in the tour buses. On the other hand, the tour buses I’m familiar with have seats roughly comparable to those in an airplane coach section. So you’d have to sleep sitting up, which never worked well for me.

Probably off topic but the tour buses that I once rode on from Kansas City to Colorado had seats that faced each other with a pop-up narrow table in between. Each seat “suite” converted to upper and lower bunks.

They were very popular for ski trips as you could leave after work, sleep all night while the bus rolled, and be ready for the ski slopes the next day. Then on the last day of your trip you could ski all day, hop on the bus, sleep all night, and debark in time for a quick shower before heading for work.

It wasn’t the most comfortable bed but it beat sitting up. And the rule was that you must have your feet facing forward while in the bunk. That way a sudden stop would risk just a broken ankle instead of a broken neck.

Also somewhat off topic, but the 1st class buses in Mexico are good for sleeping in. Exactly what you get depends on the company, bus model, etc. but I can recall travelling from Jalapa to DF in very comfortable reclining wide seats, with ample leg-room (I’m 6’2"), and foot rests. Given that we were both suffering from dengue fever, being comfortable and being able to sleep was very much welcome! :smiley: