If we are living in a fake reality, or simply living in one “sheet of paper” in the multi-dimensional stack of paper that compromises the real reality, what are the consequences of the public figuring this out?
That the average person can take advantage of the abundance of the earth.
That we can have sustainable energy and a sustainable planet.
That wealth inequality and private don’t need to exist.
That national boundaries between countries don’t need to exist, but can be maintained to preserve the historic and ethic makeup of a country.
That the media/television is propaganda being fed into peoples homes/apertments via electrical wires.
That all wars are orchestrated to divide people and control them.
That he system is rigged against the average person, all over the world.
What are the consequences are the public having a mass realization event, globally?
Being as I’m impatient I’ll just assume that the OP is proposing that the specific type of fake reality we’re in is a simulation video game, and that all the ills of the world are equivalent to how every single person who’s played the Sims removed the ladder from the swimming pool just to watch the sims drown.
The answer to “what are the consequences of the public figuring this out” is “nothing, because if they do react in some untoward way the player will just reset them back to the ignorant state. And then delete their bathrooms so they have to poop on the floor.”
Yes but can we assume that our “God”, the creator of the sim, doesn’t only do bad things, he does good things and bad things, and works only in mysterious ways, not outright deleting ladders.
And our God (sim creator) can communicate with people in the sim, and even take them out of the sim and then return them back.
Still what happens if say 100,000,000 human beings were able to look down at the sim from the “high vantage point” and then return back into the sim. And they were able to tell everyone about it.
I’ll assume that these 100,000,000 people are credible people, not like infants or something.
All religions would end, to be replaced by the One True Religion: worship of the Great Gamer. Its followers would abandon all worldly pursuits in favor of appealing to the creator for money. Another large faction would undergo existential despair and try to ‘break the game’ by basically ruining their own lives or outright killing themselves. One way or the other all of society would collapse.
And then the gamer would grimace, roll his eyes, and reset the game, vowing never to do that again. And he’d remove all the bathrooms out of spite.
I assume you are talking about something like the simulation theory. Basically, we are living in an ultra realistic simulation either by space aliens or from our future selves doing an ancestor simulation for fun or research or something. I’ll leave aside your references to the multi-worlds theory or what I assume is a vague mention of membranes and parallel universes and the like.
So, if we are living in a simulation:
“That the average person can take advantage of the abundance of the earth.” No idea what this means. If we are in a simulation then there are rules that govern the simulation that are the same as if this isn’t a simulation. There are finite resources and rules for exploiting them as well as rules for the consequences of exploitation. If we pollute the world enough then the world shuts down or changes and the simulation ends, assuming we are the main characters (we may be NPCs in some aliens simulation, here just for color :p)…game over.
“That we can have sustainable energy and a sustainable planet.” Same answer. If we are in a simulation, then the simulation rules are as we have found them. Sustainable power and a sustainable planet, whatever that is, are available if we optimize our use, or not if we don’t. We can research new technologies and probably conquer the Egyptians and Sumerians if we really want to, just watch out for the Russians with nukes!
“That wealth inequality and private don’t need to exist.” Why? It’s a simulation. Have you never played a simulation game? This one would just be more complex, but still it’s a simulation with rules, but within those rules the world is as it is, and people are as they are. Humans have wealth inequality and private (whatever).
“That national boundaries between countries don’t need to exist, but can be maintained to preserve the historic and ethic makeup of a country.” Same answer as above. Why would you think that? Do you not understand what a simulated universe is or how it would work? Do you think that the master programmer(s) are going to…do something? The simulation is running, we are in it and we play by the rules of the simulation with the expectation that no one is going to change the rules or the game or save us from ourselves (or those damn aliens…or the Russians! Man, we REALLY need to build some great wonders!).
I’ll just go blah for the rest…it’s the same answer. For the last one:
“What are the consequences are the public having a mass realization event, globally?”
How would the public (or you, me or anyone else) find out or prove it? It’s not really a ‘theory’, since as far as I know there isn’t any way to test it. Maybe some day our science will progress to the point it could be scientifically tested, but the only way I could see ‘the public’ ‘having a mass realization event’ is if their real selves are being called to carry out the galactic trash or clean their rooms and turn that damn game off already! Or the simulation ends because…reasons. Other than that, it’s a nice concept but it’s not something that we, living inside need to fret about one way or the other. The universe is and acts as it does. If it’s real, then myriad things could happen to end it or our part in it. If it’s a simulation, then the same things apply. From a practical perspective, there is no difference.
Baudrillard says the specific simulation we’re in is a “fourth order simulation”, where the copy isn’t just masquerading as an original, but the original has been copied out of existence. Not by like AI or aliens, but just by the way hegemonic late-capitalism reproduces all its elements.
In his analysis, all the consequences of the awareness of such a simulation would be simulated as well.
There wouldn’t be any original to point to and say this is a sim because it’s not that. The “high vantage point” that still contains reality would be copies as well. Practically the “high vantage point” could look like *you worker bees are only simulating happiness, while my authentic lifestyle is truly satisfying *, meanwhile that “authentic life” is also a reproduction of whatever ideas of authenticity the media contrives.
There’s lots of different simulation theory and the OP didn’t specify if it’s a computer simulation, a dream, or whatever. The post-modern kind of simulation sort of applies to EVERY kind of simulation
I just want to revisit this - specifically the “mysterious ways” part.
Most of the things listed in the OP have known causes for them, or known causes why they’re not happening. It’s not mysterious. And because it’s not mysterious, it’s quite literally impossible for ‘mysterious’ methods to alter the outcome - the interference would be detectable and trackable. This business is why gods of the gaps don’t really work - we can look at the gaps and see what happened. If it was due to god/gamer interference, then we’ll see that something magic happened, even if we don’t know the cause.
(Unless of course you meant “mysterious ways” as in “Huh, the bathroom’s gone - how mysterious”. In that case gamers/gods can be all mysterious up in the house without limit.)
The simulation I’m thinking of is that the four-dimensional spacetime we live is like a sheet of paper and we are only allowed to travel on the sheet of paper.
The higher-dimensional beings exist in multiple sheets of paper.
Basically the multiverse theory. That there are an infinite number of parallel universe.
The situation I would love to live in, is where only the most disadvanged in society, such as the blind, deaf, cancer patients, mentally disabled, people with no legs, etc are able to see the true multi-dimensional nature of reality.
Everyone else is unable to the see the n-dimensional real reality we live, they are eternally confined to three space dimensions and one time dimension and they think of this as “the real reality”, unable to see any deeper.
I guess I’m not seeing what you are asking. Are you saying that, suddenly we (whoever ‘we’ is defined as) would be able to see all of reality? If not, then I fail to see how that affects any of the questions you asked in your OP…reality is as we perceive it. Whether we are in one 'brane in an infinite multi-verse, or whether there are infinite alternative realities stacked like paper with the ones closest to us the most alike or something, of if this is a simulation, it’s all the same to us…we are in it. We can’t see beyond it, can’t get to or get information from beyond, it’s basically the old physics stand-by (not dark-something or can’t win a land war in Asia)…we are inside a singularity. The rules are what they are, we aren’t the programmers or the alien zookeepers or the multi-dimension ancient gods, we are just the beings in the simulation, having to make due with what reality is. Until our galactic mom says we need to clean up our rooms and shut off the computer because this damn game is melting our brain…
You seem also to be presupposing that the “higher”-dimensional beings are able to screw around freely with our reality, much the same way as I can rearrange the print on a two-dimensional sheet of paper using my magical three-dimensional powers. If this is not the case then the fact there are extra dimensions would be roughly equivalent to there being life in other galaxies: it’s out there, we can’t get to it, it doesn’t impact us, and it’s no more or less real than we are.
The reason I would like to live in that reality is that often times when I see a blind person walking on the street with the stick they use to guide them, I think to myself “what is their purpose to go on living”. Their exisentence must be so shallow and pathetic, unable to experience the world around them.
It would be ironic if the blind person was actually able to experience a much deeper n-dimensional reality. And that the the person who can only experience three space dimensions and one time dimension is actually the real person who is blind.
Therefore the blind person would not experience feelings of existential dread, they actually might feel free and happy.
I’m not trying to insult them, I’m saying that they struggle a lot.
Where I live (New York) people drive like manics and if you are blind and try to cross the street, you very easily could get hit. Just living a single day is hard for a blind person.
If they didn’t have to have the existential crisis that most people have in their lives, that would be a great relief.
Maybe that would be nice, maybe not - I don’t know. But how would they convince the rest of us if it were true? I suspect it would be like visions of God - maybe that is exactly what it is. It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to communicate it to anyone who has not experienced something like it.
I am not sure how you would go about convincing me that we don’t need to have wealth inequality or fossil fuels because you can see an infinite number of multiverses.