Are you a night owl?

Since I’m self-employed and work at home, I can pretty much sleep whenever I want (unless I have appointments). What happens is that I work all night, get to bed around 5 am, sleep for a few hours, then have breakfast and maybe some chores. Then I go back to sleep in early afternoon for a few hours. There are times (like today) when I don’t go back to sleep in the afternoon, but maybe take a nap in the evening. But no matter what, I’m up all night.

Owls are early birds as far as I’m concerned.

You’re thinking of “faps”. “Fwaps” would mean he went through the thread hitting people with a rolled-up newspaper. :wink:

My natural sleeping hours are 9pm-5am (except in midsummer and midwinter). The Bestest Ex’s, 5am-1pm, and he worked the night shift. When people said “I don’t know how can you two be together!”, we explained that whenever one was asleep, the other one was working: thus, “fun time” was actually the same for both of us!


Definitely a night owl. It’s rare that I’m in bed before midnight. Sometimes I’m up as late as 2am, but that’s not something I like to do often; I just feel too tired the next day. Midnight to 1am is the norm, and then out of bed just after 7am weekdays. Weekends, I sleep in if I can.

Back before parenthood, when I could set the alarm for 6am, it seemed like 4:47am was my most common wake-up time.

I wasn’t happy about waking up so damned early, but by the time I got back from the bathroom, my mind would already be yammering, and I could pretty much forget going back to sleep.

So yeah, I’m an early bird. But it wasn’t my idea.

Used to be a night owl, worked lots and lots of late shifts in the clinic, ER, Urgent Care center, late on-call nights catching babies, etc.

Got a M-F 8-4 type job back in the late 90’s, and morphed into a regular daytime person.

Now I work M-F about 7 to 3, on average. I like it.

Of course, crawling into bed about 10 PM to rise at 5:30 still seems rather odd…

I used to be. Now I can barely stay up past 9:00. Some nights I force myself to stay up that late because it feels too sad for someone to go to bed earlier…

But I’ve been working with the Brits and our 5 am is their 10 am, so I have (until recently) had to be up early.