Are you a racist? As many posts in this board have shown, some people are racists without knowing it. So here’s a handy list of warning signs.
Do other people accuse you of being a racist?
Do you start statements with the words “I’m not a racist but…”?
Are there things you say about other races that you wouldn’t say in front of somebody belonging to that race?
Do you check to see if anybody of another race is in earshot before saying things about that race?
When you make comments or tell jokes about other races, do the people around you look at you strangely and leave the area?
Do you find yourself defending other people who have been accused of racism?
Do you base these arguments on unusual definitions of terms like race, racism, racist, or other words?
When you hear that somebody has been accused of racism, do you instinctively take the side of the accused over the accuser?
When you hear people calling somebody else racist, do you find yourself thinking that you’ve said or done the same thing that other person did?
Do you think that other people agree with your views on race but are afraid to say so?
Do you think there’s a double standard on race?
Do you ever ask how far anti-racism is going to go?
Do you have views on subjects that aren’t racial - freedom of speech, freedom of association, property rights, states rights, heritage - that you only care about in racial terms?