Are you looking forward to winter?

I’m in the bring on the Winter camp.

Summer here in North Texas is hideous. Not so much because it’s oppressively hot (it is), but because it’s often the most monotonous weather time of year- we get weeks on end of highs near/over 100F, and lows around 80F (and it’s humid in the mornings) with not a cloud in the sky. There’s literally no reason to look at the weather forecast for the latter half of July through the entire month of August- hot, no clouds and burning sun. It’s just terrible- at least during the rest of the year, we get cold fronts and rain/ice/snow, and cloud cover, etc…
It’s also expensive- watering the yard is expensive, even if I try and do just enough to keep it alive without actually making it look good. Electricity is expensive as well, although I’m on some kind of averaging plan that levels it out around the year. Winter is easy- we have gas heat, so that’s super-cheap by comparison to watering.

It’s hot enough that you have to wake up really early so you can do your outdoor activities when temps are in the 80s and humid. In the afternoons it can actually be dangerous if you’re not careful to keep hydrated, etc… Winters here aren’t that cold, so while it can be a little uncomfortable in the early mornings, it’s often not that cold by mid-day.

There are mosquitoes. Mosquitoes who carry shit like West Nile virus. So you have the fun dance if you have kids, of trying to keep them hydrated, sunscreened and insect repellented, all while they’re sweating like crazy. Yay. The winters here are mild enough that most of the time the kids can go out and play in the afternoons (temps are between the 40s and 60s most afternoons), and frequently in the mornings too. Mosquitoes die or go dormant during the winter.

Pollution goes WAY up during the summer, or at least it sticks around more or something- nearly all the air quality warnings (orange and yellow days) are during the summer. Winter air is cleaner.

And finally, even if you’re dressed for it and well hydrated, you’re still going to sweat like a pig if you do something outside during the summer here. We used to go to the Shakespeare plays in the park, but it’s so godawful hot that we quit because we were just tired of sweating like crazy while just sitting still and having to deal with insect repellent.

I ski.

Yeah! Today it’s cloudy and cold here, and the snow is half melted so you can see the grass and muck. Not my favorite type of winter day.

The other day, though, it snowed big fat flakes that fluttered to the ground, and the sun came out and made everything glittery. That’s the winter I signed up for!

I’d trade you if I could. We’ve only had 22 days since September 22nd that were not of below average temperature. And we’ve already had over a foot of snow.

Nope. I hate it.

I would love about 100 F year round. Seriously.

I walk every day, and snow walking in my favorite type of walk. So I love winter.

Unfortunately, my area gets hit with cold, wet rain before and after winter… And I hate it (and if you think wet rain is a redundancy, you’ve never been to New Jersey before and after winter).

It is a big “no” for me. I hate the holidays, and hate the depressing way that everything looks dead in the winter. I avoid going outside mostly and avoid driving any more that I have to, so it turns into a very depressing 3-4 months.

I live in Minnesota and said I am not looking forward to winter. I love having the 4 seasons and would miss them if I lived somewhere that didn’t have them BUT we don’t get 4 equal seasons here. Winter lasts way too long. Some years the cold and snow start in October and some years we’re still having snowstorms in April. I love the holidays and I don’t mind the beginning of winter. It’s kind of a cozy feeling. I can cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and the dogs and watch TV all Saturday. On a summer day, I would never stay indoors. But it gets annoying around February and March. I just want it to end…but it doesn’t.

Fall is rated no higher than the seventh or eighth season (out of four of 'em). Since winter means the end of such suckitude it is, by definition, better. I love snow, I’m a snowshoer, I don’t even mind shoveling it (except for the wet, heavy, Spring storms). I’ve got enough cold weather gear that I’m okay being outside in it for the most part. There’s usually a week or so that I declare to cold/painful &/or unsafe to run in.

In other words, ^ this.

Nope, I’m a warm weather boy. Even a Georgia winter is a drag for me.

Dammit. Still waiting for some more snow here in Chicago. Looks like it’s going to be above freezing for the foreseeable future! Ugh. GIMME ALL THE SNOW!!!

I’ll admit, this just-above-freezing-gray type of winter isn’t much fun. I’d prefer a foot of snow and temps in the 20s.

I love winter! I am stuck in South Florida now, caring for an elderly parent, but I grew up in Upstate NY, and lived in Minnesota during a decade colder than now. I love snow. I can’t ski anymore, due to toe problems, but I can still go out on snowshoes, and I love love love the beauty of fresh snow, and the silence, and the cold temperatures. I loathe the heat of Florida, and the intensity of the sun makes me feel sick and gives me headaches, even though I am careful to wear sunglasses and use sunscreen and generally stay out of the sun and in air conditioning as much as possible. December, Jan, and Feb are the only barely tolerable months down here.