Are you sick of Christians whining about "Happy Holidays"?

Me too.


Sure. However, I’m equally sick of people smugly feeling superior than said “whining Christians” because they don’t care.

The great majority of people who don’t give a fuck what anyone else calls or doesn’t call this time of year? Those people I’m okay with.

Very nice. As an atheist, but non-Christian (Baha’i, in fact), I thank you for fighting this glurge sent as “sentiment”.

This is really really good. I am bookmarking this. I love it! Not too snarky either.

Well since the holiday, from the Christian view, is about the birth of Jesus, it doesn’t bother me at all. I think it should be Merry Christmas.
Yes, I am aware that it is not really Jesus’ birthday and how it used to be a Pagan holiday.

And if athests wanted to make a holiday out of something or someone, it wouldn’t bother me any either.


Let me start by saying that I am not the kind to throw charges of anti-semitism around lightly, so I will not do so now. But if you look at these lines in the “Christian” poem reproduced in my OP, above:

“Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen
On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !”
Now I realize Kerry and Clinton are not Jews, but is there a suggestion here that Jews are especially out to “destroy” Christmas? Or am I just imagining things?

Oh yeah? Well I’m sick and tired of how the War on Christmas has become less bitter and divisive. Don’t people realize that many of us live for these angst-ridden culture-war conflicts?

Won’t someone please think of the cynics? We’re at risk of getting bored!

A week ago I was with my family at the Christmas parade and people were going by on the floats yelling, “Merry Christmas!”.

My two year-old daughter, bundled up and sitting in her wagon, would wave back and call out “Happy Holidays!”.

No idea where she got it, but I thought it was hilarious. I’m as atheist as they come, and I have no problem with Christmas and I think that ‘Happy Holidays’ is the one of the biggest pussy copouts you can find.


Yeah, as an editor I have to say, that line could have used a bit of a rewrite. It didn’t quite scan. But close enough.

Hey, the original rhymed “Kwanzaa” with “Fonda,” which is much, much worse.

Yes. Jesus may be “the reason for the season” to them, but they are not the be all and end all of everything. It is especially ironic for them to whine about Christmas not meaning what they want it to when they originally stole the date and holiday from another religion!

Used to be? We’ve got elves. We’ve got flying reindeer. We’ve got decorated trees. *inside the house. *We’ve got flaming logs. Lots of candles. Free toys!

Used to be?

What I was complaining about, and why I wrote the poem, is that I am sick and tired of conservative Christians who caterwaul (from the German, meaning to wail like a Tom Cat in heat :D) and pretend they are being “persecuted” every time they are reminded that their belief is just one of many, and that a modern, secular state must be neutral towards all religious opinions.

In point of fact, in my 10 years as a practising atheist (:confused::dubious:) I am certain I have wished people “Merry Christmas” far more often than “Happy Holidays”. I have NEVER referred to the tree that I just put uyp in my living room as anything other than a Christmas Tree, and right now I am listening to a choir sing “Mary’s Boy Child”.

I also adore the Parthenon in Athens and I call it by that name, ([Gr.,=the virgin’s place], temple sacred to Athena) even though I do not believe in Athena let alone her virginity.

I practically get orgasms from listening to Mozart’s Kyrie and Dies Irae even though I do not see the Mass as anything but nonsense.

So Merry Christmas to you, my fellow atheist!:slight_smile:

My daughter’s middle name is Athena, so not only do I believe in her, I’m quite confident of her virginity.

All my Jewish friends on high school gave me Christmas presents, and I gave to them as well. Amazing what happens when you’re not surrounded by people all from the same cult.


I don’t hear too many complaints about Christmas being stifled or it being forced on people. But then, I live in Canada and am less subject to American panic attacks.

I am intrigued by your thoughts and would like to invite you to church…


I caught a few minutes of Top Chef last night (I don’t know if it was repeat or anything), and they were at some AIDS benefit dinner, and the one overly serious host chick and some blond guest judge were drinking cocktails and wishing each other “Happy Christmas.” I found that a million times more annoying than “Happy Holidays.”

That was NOT me. The board hamsters must have put that extra apostrophe in there. I do NOT do that.

I wrote my poem after receiving the “Christian whining” poem from my sister (who teaches at a Catholic school, BTW.)

When it comes to Christian whining about how “persecuted” they are, I am also reminded of RC Bishop Henry of Calgary who appeared before a Parliamentary Committee in Canada a couple of years ago to oppose gay marriage (the Catholic Church in Canada is running out of money to compensate the children their priests abused but they seem to have money for political lobbying.) The Bishop had been warned by the tax people that registered charities are not supposed to use their funds for partisan political purposes. So right away he started up about how he was being threatened and muzzled. When a Member of Parliament asked him if he was aware that PRO gay marriage churches in Canada had received the same warning, he sidestepped the issue.:stuck_out_tongue:

Great poem and response! As an atheist, I’m also sick of people making a big deal out of Happy Holidays. Christians may have the dominant holiday around this time of year, but over time it has become a celebration of other prominent ones too. Get over it Christians, its not a big deal

The US’s Christian Right hasn’t been bitching as much this year–the War On Christmas is old hat, except for serious haters like the folks at VDARE. (I won’t link to that racist, nativist group.)

I think Valteron’s Canadian, too. But he likes to complain!