Arizona's immigration law - genius

Of course I knew that. If I’m not mistaken, you have documentation that tells of your status in the country. I didn’t realize that a license wouldn’t reflect that information, but apparently it doesn’t.

But if you are an Aussie who is in this country legally working, there is some paperwork to show why you are here. That can be produced if necessary.

This is bullshit. If you were all concerned about your civil liberties, the patriot act would have never passed. Where was your indignation then?

I agree with your statement. I don’t believe that the Arizona law falls usurps any federal law. My tax dollar statement was meant for this topic, but it reads too broadly. Thank you for clearing it up.

You can have a SSN (legally) without being a US citizen.

Non-citizens may also have a Social Security Number.

Or, we could ship all labor intensive jobs remaining in the country to China, which is what we’ve already done to decimate the country’s middle class.

The laborers aren’t the problem. The companies exploiting them are. Take away the incentive of a company to exploit illegal labor sources and the supply would have to go elsewhere to find work. Or maybe stay in Mexico.

Even resident aliens have to get them if they’re employed.

and what does a non-citizen do with a SSN? The only reason to have one would be to pay taxes, correct?

if that’s the case, that’s ok by me.

If there are other reasons, please enlighten me.


And as I pointed out, that won’t happen. Again, this isn’t about immigration, legal or otherwise. It’s about indulging bigotry. We aren’t going to go after those people, because we aren’t actually trying to stop illegal immigration in the first place; this is just a bone tossed to the sort of people who think that anyone with brown skin is scum.

Mostly yes; why else would they come here? Our welcoming and tolerant attitude? Hardly.

I was angry then, too. And it was passed by people like you, not me.

That’s my point. It’s used as a way to track the resident alien if they have a job and are paying taxes. That’s not what we are talking about here.

I don’t think the migrant worker is worried about getting an SSN, because taking a bite out of the meager wage being paid would be a downer. Plus, the employer would have to show that they couldn’t find an american citizen that could and would do the job before hiring someone not from this country.

More to the point, citizens are not required to have SSNs (although you need one to work, obviously).

Wasn’t passed by people like me, Jack. There you go with that broad brush again.

My point is that having a Social Security Number proves neither citizenship nor legal residence. (If you’re OK with illegal immigration as long as they pay taxes, most of them do, without even the luxury of getting a refund in April.)

Are you kidding? There was lots of opposition to the patriot act, and people worried about civil rights issues. Were you hiding under a rock or something?

Since the IRS some years ago began to require an SSN to claim a dependent on ones tax return, this has effectively changed. I suppose it’s somehow possible for a citizen today to get by without one, but I think it would take extremely unusual and unlikely circumstances.

Nonsense. They use fake numbers, or special numbers handed out by the government (who know, but don’t care that illegal aliens use them) to pay their taxes. They pay taxes, and the employers cheerfully accept any fake IDs that are presented to “prove” that they are hiring citizens.

MOST illegal immigrants pay payroll taxes, and all the rest, regardless of your persecution fantasies.

And let me repeat that a Drivers License is not Proof of Citizenship, either. (Maybe all this repetition will sink in.)

It would be rare–but a Citizen could possess neither form of documentation.

I know how this is going to go.

The law’s been passed. It will go into effect.

A year from now, I’ll start a thread wondering where all the abuses are. Some people will complain that I just have to be right all the time, and I should let it go. Others will say that there hasn’t been enough time yet to really see the abuses happen.

And in three years I’ll start another thread, and people will say, “What’s wrong with you, Bricker? You kept this in mind for three years? Get a life!”


In his response to your


You are asked for one if you open a bank account or if you get a credit card. However, if you are not eligible for an SSN, you might be able to use an ITIN for that purpose. (My wife had an ITIN for 2 years, while she was a legal resident in the US, but not lawfully able to work).