Arnold might lose his Austrian citizenship

According to CNN, a member of the Austrian Green Party wants to revoke Arnold’s Citizenship because he is againest Arnold’s support for the Death penalty.

My questions:

1.What are the chances of this happening?

  1. Is this a good call on the politicians part or more of a petty blow againest Gov. Arnold for a stance he disagrees with(Yes, I realize the Death Penatly is looked down upon in Europe)?

  2. Do you think Arnold would be upset by this?

Taking away citizenship because he differs on a political issue? Oh my. Never did leave their totalitarian baggage far behind, did they? Anyway, the last poll I saw had 40% Europeans agreeing with the death penalty and 60% Americans. Hardly this great insurmountable gulf it’s made out to be.

What export is Austria better known for than Arnie? I can only think of wine with anti-freeze in it and Kurt Waldheim. Those tree huggers mess with Arnie at their peril.

Well Adolf comes to mind. Wasn’t the anti-freeze from Italy?

Yes, but didn’t want to mention the war and all that. I believe the anti-freeze started in Austria and then kind of took off across the Dolomites.

Sounds like the Green Party guy walks with his knees locked.

Doesn’t Austria also make those chainsaws?

Are you guys forgetting that some people are making noises about Arnold running for President? Here’s a link to one story.

If Arnold ever does run, a foreign citizenship will hurt more than help. This gives him the opportunity to ditch the foriegn citizenship in the most favorable light possible (favorable with the American voters, that is). I’m sure it’s nice to have an Austrian passport if he ever wants to go back and visit family, but really, what good does it do him?

I think you’ll see Arnold play this to his advantage. If he doesn’t just ignore the Austrian brouhaha (the Greens are not in power, are they? So who really cares what they think?), he’ll use it as an opportunity to give up his Austrian citizenship and “declare his love” for his adopted country.

Wow, quasi-Godwinisation in the first reply. Well done.

Errrrr, no, it’s because he condemned a man to death.

Cite, please - and that’s a cite for Austria, not for Europe.

Surely it was the court that convicted the man and imposed the death sentence?

Reading the article, it appears that we have one (1) politician, one Peter Pilz, an MP from a small opposition party, launching this campaign all by himself. This is likely to get Pilz and perhaps the Austrian Green Party in the headlines for a few days, but doesn’t look likely to have any practical effect, beyond causing lots of discussion about dual citizenship. (Dare I hope it will help clear up some myths? Probably not, no.) Arnie will almost certainly be allowed to keep his Austrian passport as long as he cares to.

OK, fine, quibble over the language I used…‘Arnie took an active role in the use of capital punishment’ - will that do?

I thought America was not fond of dual citizenship or is that my arse speaking?

That’s one of the myths. What appears to be awkward is when people living abroad attempt to claim American citizenship to which they’re entitled - but I don’t think America’s unique in the bureaucratic nightmare of doing such things from afar.

No. Arnie didn’t pardon the little bastard; that’s it. Not quite an ‘active role’ in my book. Regardless, even if Arnie personally flipped the switch, I don’t see why some folks back in Österreich are getting freaked out about. Is this some ‘Look! See how unNazi we are now?!?’ thing they are playing at?

bah… un-quasi-bullshit. There isn’t anything remotely Godwin in that reply, quasi or otherwise. First off I was referring to the European left’s notorious fawning for totalitarian communist regimes, such as Stalin, Mao and Castro and such. Second proposing to strip a man from his citizenship for being unworthy is a proposal worthy of a totalitarian state.

But while we’re on the topic of Godwin, it is striking that, according to Peter Pilz, neither of Adolf Hitler, Eichmann nor Kurt Waldheim or any of the many, many other Austrian Nazis seems unworthy of Austrian citizenship – even post-mortem,.

Errrrr, no, it’s because Peter Pilz has considered his person and found him unworthy. Meanwhile, hundreds of real murders each year in Austria. None of which are served with a stripped citizenship.

Ain’t worth it. MPIMC

How is rejecting clemency not an active role?

Flirting with Godwin once again :rolleyes: You guys do realise that Austria has an abolishionist history going back to the eighteenth century?

Yeah, right. “Never did leave their totalitarian baggage far behind, did they?” was referring to Cuba? :dubious:

Excellent. You’re criticising somebody for not doing the impossible.

‘MPIMC’? And anyway, why not provide a cite, if it’s being claimed that there’s no significant difference between Californian and Austrian attitudes to the death penalty?

Man, this is stupid. You apparently completely missed the whole point and now you insist in stamping further in it, and apparently tell me what I mean. Let me repeat myself “Stalin, Mao and Castro”. Read the whole sentence, will ya. But Cuba is a perfectly acceptable example of a totalitarian regime if you want.

Oh man, again! No I’m criticising somebody for trying to do the possible.

Because it has little to do with the subject. Even were there significant difference, it should still matter nothing. You do not strip a man of his citizenship for a difference of opinion.

This anti-left rant is just idiotic. We could just as easily talk about other European political allegiances and their support for Pinochet. It has nothing to do with the topic.

Errrr, you were criticising the guy for not attempting posthumous revokation of citizenships. That’s the impossibility I was talking about.

No - but for his actions?

Never gonna happen. For one thing, Arnie is one of the biggest things to come out of Austria. Not sure the populace would go for it.

For another, this is just a stunt by a politician to get his name, and of course the party too :rolleyes: , in the papers.

Gorillaman, do you have a cite that shows a general interest in Austria to revoke his citizenship?