Arrgh! How do I get rid of these pests?

Damn it, it happened again. I accidentally left some bread out this morning, and when I came home the kitchen is crawling with the little creeps. They get in the pantry and are all over the floor, traveling single file to conceal their number. Jawas.

Sure, the spray kills them, but then you have to clean up and burn the little corpses, and there’s always some you don’t see scuttling around in the shadows, little eyes glowing. The bait that they bring back to the nest works, but it takes too long, and I think their starting to nibble on the wood work, just look at these tooth marks, too accurate to be sand people…

Any advice on getting rid of them?

May I suggest a Thermal Detonator?

There’s always cleaning up the kitchen so they have nothing to eat.
It works at my house, when we actually do it. Most of the time, there are a few scouts wandering around looking for something.

I’ve found that the bait really works well-- but you have to watch millions of them take it first, and resist the urge to kill them.
We play “Bugs life” with them when they’re doing that. We put something in their path and then watch them scurry to find their way around it.

Er, I’m guessing okatym didn’t quite read through the entire post…

…Or maybe understand it.

Try an exorcism, or maybe a voodoo spell, if those don’t work there’s always human sacrifice.

This life is a test. It is only a test. If it had been an actual life, you would have received further instructions on where to go and what to do.

I think you’re right.

Just keep a nest of Imperial Storm Troopers under the sink. Works like a charm.

You do have to keep the droids away from them, though.

+++ Divide by cucumber error. Reinstall universe and reboot. +++

They really hate the smell of white vinegar. I know this sounds too simple, but I use it all the time. I have lots of pets and won’t use bug sprays or bait in the house.

In summer, I keep a big bottle of white vinegar uncorked under the sink and rarely see any of them. I know it works because if I cap the bottle, I am infested every time it rains. Take off the top again and they’re gone.

Cheap magic.

Um…thanks for the advice UppityWoman. Maybe it’ll work on those pesky banthas that sneak in the house and nibble on the left-over dog food.

You know what, I think I’ve unintentionally stumbled upon an interesting message board phenomenon here. Granted, I purposely wrote the first few sentences of my little joke post here with the intention of fooling people into thinking it was about ants, but it never occurred to me folks might ONLY read the first three sentences, then fill in the rest with their own imaginations…

Either that or nobody’s seen the movie “Star Wars” yet (kind of a cult movie, hopefully word-of-mouth will get around about it).


Introduce them to Michael Masterson;

Reading a couple of his moronic posts is guaranteed to send even the most hardened Imperial Storm Trooper screaming into the night.


Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True, and they have many other fine qualities as well.

Yeah Inky, some of us live our lives in the real world, not some Hollywood fantasy. You might want to try it some time, it’s a lot more interesting than fiction.

Have you tried any Jedi mind tricks yet? Jawas don’t have much for brains, so the mind tricks work quite well.

I had an infestation last summer, and I just told them to go next door, and they’d be much happier. It worked. My neighbor is not Jedi, though, so he’s stuck with the little beggars, and confused as all get out. Hasn’t got a clue as to where they came from.

Best of luck to ya!

Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.

I didn’t see the name of what animal the person is talking about. Hmmmmm. IF it’s ants, we already handled that one, whew. Cockroaches? I think so too. little Michael mastersons? Yes, we handled that too.

btw, that’s sandpeople (Tusken Raiders) who travel single file to hide their numbers.

I am not a Star Wars geek. I just watched it last week while I was watching the rugrat.

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

SD chat:
<Jophiel> Kat’s here! the board must be down!

frolix8 wrote:
“Yeah Inky, some of us live our lives in the real world, not some Hollywood fantasy. You might want to try it some time, it’s a lot more interesting than fiction.”

Well that’s undoubtedly the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day. If real life was as interesting as fiction, there’d be no reason for fiction in the first place.

Fiction is much more interesting. It can provides us with scenes and situations real life just can’t. Why can’t it? Because Real Life is LIMITED. It has rules and set boundaries, tacky things that make space travel and dragons impractical. Fiction’s only boundaries are those of it’s creator.

Granted, there are people in the world who lack imagination, so the appeal of fiction is lost on them because their own imaginations are every bit as constrained as the real worlds. The saddest thing is these barriers are self inflicted, a prison of their own making. They are commonly referred to as “Dullards”.

As proof of my argument I have only to point to the fiction section of the local library. Pretty big, huh? A whole bunch bigger than that non-fiction section over there. But if, at gunpoint, I forced you to read either the entire fiction section, or the entire non-fiction section which would you choose? Uh huh, thought so. Nobody is that interested in Winston Churchill. Fiction wins the interesting prize.


P.S. There was no need to get all defensive on me either. I wasn’t being nasty when I pointed out that so many folks skimmed over the first few lines and jumped to a conclusion about what the rest must be. I just pointed out that it was an interesting phenomenon, like that optical illusion where it might be two faces looking at one another, or it might be a vase, your mind fills in what it thinks is supposed to be there. That’s imagination, baby!

I thought this was going to be about Michael you-know-who.

From an actual catalog" “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t

BoydoIfeelstupid. :slight_smile: I read the whole of the OP; thought you were talking about ants. Haven’t seen Star Wars. No wonder some of the words were unfamiliar! I thought they were American slang words I hadn’t heard yet.

Darn, wish I’d posted earlier, then I could’ve put in a comment on Dewbacks. But the thread took a turn into normalcy far too soon for my liking.


The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

Try a cat. It didn’t work in The Borrowers, but…