Artifical rainbow toning on coins.

Can anyone explain to me how to artificially tone coins? I’ve tried the Google method but all I get are vague explanations or maybe just a list of things that will do it. But I can’t find how to actually do it. I’ve bought a few off eBay just because I like the way they look, but why do that when I can make my own? I understand it’s much more desirable to have a naturally rainbow toned coin, but I’m not a diehard.

Any clue?

I’m not clear on what your refering to. Color changes produced by heating a metal, or some chemical color change? You can hold a coin by a pliers, and heat the coin over a gas stove burner. I will change colors and stay discolored after it cools. Remember this pliers and coin get hot, so use protection, and keep a cold bowl of water nearby to cool it all down fast.

There’s a technique called rainbow anodizing, but I’m not sure it works for the metals commonly used in coins.

I hope you’re not intending to re-sell the coin, as a genuinely rainbowed item. That’s fraud, and there’s a lot of it going around. I’d avoid buying ***any ***coin on eBay, unless it’s certified and slabbed.

That being said, I fail to find beauty in a coin that’s been artificially toned.

I think I made it pretty clear that the coins that I have bought are obviously artificially toned, coins that are a year old or even newer do not go through this process naturally. No one on ebay that is selling these coins are trying to pass them off as authentic, (authentics do not have gold tones in them for one thing) and lastly I didn’t ask for opinions as to whether or not you liked them.

I simply asked how it was done. I happen to like it. My kids think they look neat. What’s the harm in that?