That artificial cherry flavour they use in all sorts of things has got to be the most awful, nasty, putrid chemical ever invented. It’s just so undescribably bad. Seriously, how on Earth did this “product” ever make it past taste-testers? I can’t down the stuff without the dry heaves. Yes, it’s just that gross. C’mon, we’ve all had it. Its particularly common in cough medicines. Just the thought of that stuff coating my throat in its nasty hydrocarbon chains of flavour-cancer makes me want to upchuck. Of course, there’s also the dentist and his fluoride. My god, does it take some will power to keep that crap in my mouth for a minute. They even use this flavouring in candy! Candy!. Oh, and throat lozenges. Hell, I’d rather deal with the sore throat than have to taste this godawful chemical concoction.
The entire time I was typing this post I had to surpess the lump that was forming in my throat…
My vote would be for artificial bubblegum flavoring. The sort they use in cough medicine and kids’ toothpaste. It’s what evil tastes like. Grape is second.
Grape flavoring is wonderful, being the second best taste to exist on this planet. (Dr Pepper is #1 of course.) Cherry isn’t too bad, but bubblegum is vile beyond description.
The grape sucks. Don’t get me started on “bubblegum” flavor. Makes me gag. Even the smell! But I looooove fake cherry. Smith Brothers Cough Drops…mmmmm…
I have to agree with the OP. I love fresh cherries, but I can’t stand cherry-flavored anything. Ever since I was a little kid, it has triggered my gag reflex. From medicine to candy, it is just gross. Is Dr. Pepper supposed to be cherry-flavored? It always provokes the same strong reaction in me. What IS it, anyway?
I also hate the taste and smell of anything cinnamon-flavored (such as Big Red gum and Atomic Fireballs candy). If someone is chewing Big Red to “help their breath,” I usually offer them a clove of garlic to chew on, as it would be an improvement.
I work at a coffeeshop where we have about 30 of those flavour syrups to add to lattes, Italian sodas, and the like. I haven’t found any that are truly foul, but I haven’t let myself try cherry yet. Yucky, I would guess.
I tried banana as part of a monkey mocha (latte with chocolate, hazelnut, and banana). It wasn’t bad, but it was weird to taste fake banana flavor in a coffee drink.
No, no, you’re confused. It’s artificial blueberry flavor that features hours of nasty aftertaste. Plus, at no extra cost, nausea.
[gripe]The little grocery store near work sells Pop-Tarts. They have several varieties, but they sell the foil packs separately (you know, the ones that say “not marked for individual sale”). Here’s the problem- the boxes are all mixed up. And no matter which box I pulled from, I always got the accursed blueberry.[/gripe]
Yes, I bring my own Pop-Tarts to work now, thank you.
Be glad you don’t work where I do, Trigonal Planar. Every day I walk past the dental school to get to my building. The dental school non-hazardous waste dumpster is only a few feet from the walkway. It smells of dozens of empty bottles of cherry-flavored topical anesthetic gel and cherry-flavored fluoride wash.
It’s at its best when it’s 90 degrees and humid.
Most of that stuff comes in a variety of flavors (including marshmallow, ergh). I wonder why cherry seems to be the most popular?
romansperson: All these threads about eating spiders and insects breeding in peoples’ bodies don’t bother me in the least. But your description of your work had me wincing and squirming worse than any other thread!
romansperson: All these threads about eating spiders and insects breeding in peoples’ bodies don’t bother me in the least. But your description of your work had me wincing and squirming worse than any other thread!
RED is clearly the best flavour for candy (except for cinnamon.) Strawberry … raspberry (sometimes blue, for no apparent reason) … and the pick of the bunch, my friend Cherry. Life Savers, Nerds, Runts, licorice, gummy feet, Starburst.
And cough syrup. mmm … Dimetapp …
If you mix grape juice with raspberry schnapps it tastes just like cough syrup. We call it a “Flaming Homer” although we’ve never lit it on fire.
No, the question is “what is wrong with you, cowgirl?”
Red is truly a wonderful color. Women’s lingerie and CFM spike heels come to mind (or elsewhere). You cross the line attempting to mention red licorice. Licorice is always black, has always been black and will always beblack.
Trigonal Planar ; it is quite obvious that you are either
a.) Not female, &/or
b.) Have never been pregnant,
because if you were/had, you would know that glu-cola and orange glu-cola are the most hideous disgusting things ever made to be ingested. They are “sodas” that pregnant women drink at about the 4 1/2 month mark to check for gestational diabetes, and have about twice as much sugar as Jolt Cola.
Well, you’re right, I’m not a female. I can’t imagine the icky sugariness of Glu-cola combined with cherry flavour!
And I should point out that red <> cherry flavour. Lots of red candy tastes good (ie, licorice. And strawberry flavour is usually okay).