Does anyone know the name of the (often gold or brass) finger extentions used in certain Asian ceremonial dances? I remember seeing an episode of Home Improvement where it’s mentioned they’re used in a formal danced called (something like) the Fund Lub, but so far, any google search I’ve tried has come up with nothing. I want to say they’re used more in the Philipines, but I also feel that’s completely off. Anyone have any clue what I’m talking about? Thanks.
The only I time I’ve seen long fingernail extensions used in a dance was in Bali where I saw a Jauk dance.
A description (with a picture) is here,
Unfortunately, the extensions used by the Jauk dancer don’t really sound like the “gold or brass” ones that El Elvis Rojo is asking about (and I don’t know what their name is).
Yeah, not what I was looking for, but very interesting nonetheless. Thanks chukhung.
Anyone else?
The Thais have a folk dance (or a series of them?) that use metal finger extensions… though I am having a hard time locating any information via Google this morning. I need coffee!
I found this which shows the metal extensions, but I don’t think it shows what they are called… oops, yes it does… it says they are called “Lep”.
I know the things you mean but I thought the dance was called the fon-leb
Ahhh, thanks Astroboy14, that’s exactly what I was looking for. And Sock Munkey you’re probably right. I have a hard enough time spelling words properly in my native English, spelling in other languages is even harder. I only heard the word, so I was doing the best I could with the spelling, but thanks for the correct way. Helps a lot.
Anyone happen to know where one could buy them?
Well yeah, at the very site Astroboy14 linked to, on the very page.