Ask the ex phone sex operator

How did the phone system work? You mentioned an operator, but you also mention using your home phone without any frills like call-waiting. Would you check in with the operator to let them know you were able to take another call, or did they come in randomly?

Ever have a guest to your house when a call came in?

Well, I kept two kinds of notes: I kept a written page (a pre-spreadsheet spreadsheet, if you will) that listed: time of call, guy’s first name, what he had requested (in case I forgot during the call “who” I was supposed to be), whether he was a request, and how the call basically went. I also kept a file box, organized alphabetically by first name and state. I’d list things about the guys and what they liked; that way, if they called back and requested me, they were really flattered that I “remembered” them. No, I haven’t talked to a literary agent; why, do you think I should? Every once in a while, someone would ask me if I kept notes, and I would “spin” it :“well, yeah; you see, I have a terrible memory, but I wouldn’t want to forget a single thing about you because you’re so sweet”.

I’ll ignore for a moment the fact that I don’t know what “vocoders” are. We did have a couple of guys on staff (one on each shift, IIRC), because sometimes a customer would want to talk to a couple who was getting it on. There were a lot of women like me (certainly no one under 18) who couldn’t have done as well financially doing anything else; the fact we got to work from home had a lot of appeal, as well. But there were quite a few older ladies, too, who had been out of the work force for so long that they were kind of landlocked. Once a year, there was a combination Christmas party/awards ceremony, so I got to meet my fellow workers. At one of these things, it came to my attention that one of my co-workers had dated my BIL for a time.

I absolutely got better with practice! I don’t think I was very good in the first couple of months. As for research and study, I took to reading Variations for fresh ideas, etc. One of the things I liked about my company was that it sold blocks of time; a 15-minute call was $25.00 and a 30-minute call was $40.00. There was no incentive to keep them on the phone longer. If they went up to their time limit and still wanted to talk, I’d tell them to call me right back.

Well, when I started, it was $8.00/hr. plus bonus. Bonus was based on requests (guys who specifically asked for me). Up to ten requests per month, no bonus. After that, the more requests I got, the more I bonused. Most months I ended up averaging out about $15.00/hr. I also got a 1%, 2%, or 3% raise every six months.

Well, the guy who was into small dogs was pretty weird, plus frustrating, because every single freakin’ thing I’d say, he’d respond with “huh?” and I’d have to repeat it. The guy with the island was strange. I had one customer liked me to tell him about jacking guys off into baby bottles and having to suck really hard to drink it all out; he was also into enemas. I loved him because he was quite intelligent, and he used to buy two hour blocks of my time, which counted as four requests. He had lots of money. I still talk to him sometimes.

I can see that sometime soon (maybe tomorrow morning), I’m going to have to go get some of my records out of the attic, and refresh my memory.

Boy, it was tough sometimes! In fact, every once in a blue moon, I’d lose it, and fake a coughing fit.

No offense taken. See my answer to trublmaker for more info.

Well, FWIW, I never talked to anyone who was into Muppets :smiley: .

I can’t pass up this tidbit. How do you make “wet pussy” sounds?

My husband thinks I am entirely sexy (thank Og), but never much saw the point in phone sex; he does work out of town a lot, and if he wanted it, I’d do it. But I’m afraid that he’d be flashing back to all the times he saw me talking to other guys and giving myself a manicure or something, and wonder where my hands really were when I was talking dirty to him :wink: .

I thought she was very good. FWIW, my phone sex days are the only times I personally have ever faked it.

Okay, here’s how the system worked: at the start of my shift, I’d call in and let the operators know I was ready. They’d clock me in. When a call came, they’d patch it through to me; when the call was over (even if it took the full time the guy had bought), I’d call the office and let them know I was free again; break times worked the same way. Also, if I needed to go to the bathroom or something. When my shift was over, I’d call to clock out.

As for visitors, because of the hours I worked, not too much. Sometimes my neice would come by (she was an adult, don’t worry) to keep me company between calls. In fact, I often had a really hard time keeping a straight face when she was there, because I’d be on a call, and she’d be sitting on the sofa cracking up (quietly).

I knew someone was gonna ask; boy, you guys never disappoint! Okay, you work up a good bit of saliva in your mouth, part your lips, but keep your teeth together, and use your forefinger to move up and down rapidly across your teeth; voila, wet pussy.

Ok…I just tried that. It sounded more like fart noises! LOL!
Guess I’d better not quit my day job. :smiley:

Bambi??? Is that you??


Did you use a sexy fake name?
If so… what?

norinew -

Thanks for your response. Can I ask why you quit?


What did your kids think mom’s job was? Or were they too young to notice?

Well, my phone name was Tonya. Don’t know how “sexy” that is. For obvious reasons, we never used our real names, or really told folks what city we lived in.

Well, my oldest kids were getting old enough that I was no longer guaranteed privacy at night; plus we had a third kid; plus hubby got a job with good enough pay to support us all without me having to work.

As far as they were concerned, I worked for a 24-hour-phone answering service; not a lie, exactly; but certainly not the whole truth. :wink:

You talked about salary. Did you receive any kind of benefits?

You still talk to former clients?

The only benefit we got was our birthday off with pay; hubby’s job had health insurance.

Only one; once I left my compny, I wrangled to keep one specific client. I talk to him several times a year (sometimes as many as ten times a year). He calls my home, and sends me cash ($100.00 an hour). Sometimes, between calls, he calls just to see how I am. Once when he called to talk to me, hubby told him I was in the hospital, and he called me in the hospital from freakin’ Spain and talked to me for 40 minutes. I’ve no idea how much a long-distance 40 minute call from Spain costs! I’ve known him for over 10 years.

How did they keep you from taking your best clients and going independent?

We signed a contract saying we wouldn’t. But when I told the client in question I was leaving (let’s call him Gary), he told me he wouldn’t talk to anyone else. I told him there was nothing I could do about that; I did however, offer to send him a photograph (not really of me, of course), and when I sent him the photo, I sent him a number I could be reached at, too. I’m sure the company would have been very angry, and I’m not trying to justify my actions, but I really was going to be leaving anyway, and the fact that he was willing to pay me $100.00 an hour vs. paying them $85.00 and hour (price breaks for larger chunks of time) says something. He also calls me by my real name now, and I’ve seen him on TV.

norinew, thank you for starting this thread. I find people’s stories of how they got involved in sexually-related professions so interesting.

A couple of questions more: Are you fairly outspoken sexually in your day-to-day life, or do you tend to me more demure?

What did your husband think of your initial foray into the biz?

I don’t know anything about the Baha’i faith, so this is a question from total ignorance. Is your faith okay with this sort of employment?

Does he know that the picture was a fake? Has he seen a real picture of you? Does he know you’re married? Has he ever talked about meeting in person? What does your husband think about your “relationship” with him?

My questions: Did you ever get hung up on what to say? Did you run out of ideas, especially in the beginning? I know I would.

Did you have a battery-operated “toy” handy in case your clients wanted make sure you weren’t just playing solitaire or what have you? You know like, “Let me hear your vibrator…”

By the way, this is a great thread!

Did you ever get any phone calls that ended quickly? i.e. five minute Phils or two minute Tonys?

I always wondered how you began a call like this. It seems so awkward, like…

ring “Hi Tony, do you want to fuck me?” or do you start out with more of a general, “Hi there, how’re YOU doing?” type greeting?