Asperger's Spectrum - treating with TMS and "switching on" emotions - new book

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I have heard of TMS and trying it with various neurological issues, but not in this way with people on the autism spectrum.

I wonder how TMS is being viewed overall by folks in the “neurotribes” - people on the spectrum and their loved ones. By all accounts, and given the review in the NYTimes, this is seen as fully legitimate as a form of treatment that may affect different individuals different ways.

I haven’t heard of this before. The neurologists my daughter sees have never brought this up.

I looked at the wiki site.

Color me skeptical having been through dozens of “fads” “sure fire treatments” etc. Autism is a spectrum, and as most folks would say “if you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” In other words, there is a pretty huge range between folks on the autism spectrum, and it’s pretty difficult to translate what works for one person on the spectrum to another person. ABA therapy seems to be the one that shows consistently positive results.

For example, “horse therapy” is touted as a miracle cure. There are definitely kids that respond to horses, horse back riding, etc. For some kids on the spectrum, the reward of a horse ride and/or interaction, breaks through and is a meaningful reward that positively affects their behavior. Most kids on the spectrum do the usual horse squeeeeeeeeeeee but it’s not a meaningful motivator, and some kids on the spectrum could care less. The takeaway is that horse therapy might be useful for your child, but no guarantee and you need to try and see if it might be effective.

Back in 2012 there was some hubbub about TDCS - transcranial direct current stimulation. In some people it could produce “flow”, the state where you’re just doing something rapidly and efficiently and not thinking about doing it. Some people were using home-brewed setups, basically not much more than a 9-volt battery and a couple of wires! There’s been almost nothing until recently. There are some reports it can help recovery from strokes. It sounds promising, but who knows?

John Elder Robison posts here, doesn’t he? Maybe he’ll weigh in with some comments.

China Guy, I thought of you. Yes, I get the impression that this writer tries to characterize his response as unique/extreme and that it is not clear that TMS is for all on the spectrum. His focus in the book is looking at his adjustments past that - once he has this unique switch-on result.

CairoCarol - no, I had no clue. Perhaps you or I (if his username is his name or something obvious) can show him this thread…

I sent you a PM explaining that I think I goofed - I’m pretty sure there is a poster here who IRL is well known in a not entirely dissimilar way, but I think I have conflated two different authors.

I’ve had Aspergers all my life, and never heard that there was a word for it until I was in my 60s. Before that, Aspergers children were just thrown into the general population, and learned to deal with social dynamics, to sink or swim. I would not want to be “cured”, nor would most other adult aspies. I’m happy enough living far out of the mainstream of neuro-typical drama and angst.

And you, like some other Aspies I know, aren’t unemotional, so I’m not sure why this is supposed to work.

Oddly enough, I have been prescribed this treatment for my chronic migraines. The magnetic pulse is supposed to stop the cascade that causes the migraines.

I have 2 kids on the spectrum and have heard nothing about the treatment being used for autism.

My opinion on TMS for migraines - not really noticing a positive difference in terms of severity or frequency. I am finding it more unpleasant to use the device as time goes by.

I think I will check out the book though.

Nitpick: tDCS is the usual spelling, lowercase and all. Which is weird because the T in TMS stands for the same thing. Repetitive TMS is normally rTMS though.

This is news to me but anything like this is a treatment, not a cure. There should be no worries about ruining one’s personality or anything.

The author just wrote a column in the NY Times on this topic.