Assholes with guns in my 'hood

Trayvon Martin is the dead poster child for the increase in homicides that have coincided with stand your ground laws.

Right, because everybody with a gun is as safe and sane as you are, and there could never be something like this:

Hey, why are you guys carrying guns?

Oh, it’s okay, they’re not loaded. Here, take a look. ::starts to unshoulder his rifle::

:: poppop::

And fuck your rolleyes.

It turns out that these guys do this all over and film their encounters with the cops to post on YouTube. Asshats.

Slung. It wasn’t a parade.

Really assholish behavior. If I still had young children, you bet your sweet ass the sight of armed morons near my child’s school would send chills up my spine. Too bad there wasn’t a second such group, have them spook each other and wind up with mutual annihilation.

yeah, I too really enjoyed The Probability Broach

A neighborhood child care center/preschool went into lockdown and called the parents. Real nice. I can imagine their terror at being notified.

In response to other comments up thread: I don’t want to get used to people carrying guns. I think it’s a bullshit argument. The only way you can tell a psycho killer from a normal person in a mall is that the killer is, you know, carrying a fucking gun.

Personally, I find the idea that we’ve turned into a society where ordinary citizens feel the need to arm themselves to be sickening.

But we have and so they do.

Curiosity compels me to wonder why it is you people are so het up to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens instead of taking the more logical step of cracking down on gun-related crime. How’s about a mandatory extra ten years with no parole for any crime in which a gun is used? Or ten years no parole whenever someone is found to be illegally carrying a gun? Or life with no parole for any crime in which a person is killed or injured by a gun. In other words, why not strive to make it not worth the risk to carry and use a gun illegally instead of seeking to disarm ordinary citizens who aren’t the problem in the first place?

What about stickups with a cardboard tube? We should ban cardboard tubes!

Apart from the fact that mall killers are far too scarce to base a nationwide policy of private citizen disarmament upon, the fact is that a psycho mall killer would be far less likely to walk brazenly into a mall and start shooting when he knows he’'ll be mowed down after the first or second shot by a citizenry that no longer feels compelled to be fish-in-a-barrel. I suspect that the reason so many of these guys go for schools and malls is precisely because of the large number of helpless victims they’ll find there. Take away the helplessness and you take away the appeal of the target.

This is all pretty much Logic 101.

No. Cardboard tubes serve a valuable purpose when dealing with hysterical crackpots. I’d suggest more of them actually.

Because Logic 101 problems tend to use an overly-simplified model of the world?

I think we should shift the focus and resources that have gone into the drug war into gun and mental health issues. There is already a huge overlap with regards to drugs/firearm enforcement, it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch. Instead of drug-sniffing dogs, train them to detect gunpowder, that sort of thing. Not a perfect analogue, but it would help things.

Fucking enough already. This is worse than the stupid quarry schtick. We get it. You don’t like SA. You don’t like his example. You find it titillating to insinuate he’s a paedophile. Great on you! :rolleyes:

And a school shooting in California High School today, for the win.

Some douche did the same thing in Portland, ME a week after Sandy Hook … walked around a public park with his AR-15 over his shoulder, just because he could. And of course, 911 calls all over the place, cops show up, they question him, he explains his dick-waving and the cops ended up hanging around the park for three hours watching the guy. What a fantastic use of resources for one tiny-dicked asshole to make a point.

Pretty sure I read a study that showed stiffer penalties, particularly the death penalty, had no affect on the incidence of murders. Longer sentences mean more prisons, of course, and nobody can afford it. Some counties in Oregon and elsewhere have done early release for a lot of felons.

At any rate, this wasn’t meant to be a thread about gun control, only about the provocative and foolish acts of a couple of fucktards. I am and always have been a gun owner, but I’m not a moron about it, don’t feel the need to advertise the fact by toting it openly or to terrorize part of a neighborhood like these two ass clowns did.

I live in an open-carry state. I see non-police carrying handguns on their hips fairly regularly. Crime is at a historic low here (making no claim as to any connection, but it is the case). It’s not a big deal to see a gun. Maybe your paranoia would be eased if people behaved like this in your area too.

We could prevent 100% of those if we just had the will to get rid of high schools.

I was amazed when, visiting a friend in Oregon, we needed to stop by Wal-Mart to pick up some ammo on the way to go shoot. He walked right in with a pistol strapped on his hip. Bought ammo etc., walked out. Nobody looked twice.

Not a bad idea at all. I definitely think we should be taking steps to get guns out of the hands of the bad guys rather than seeking to disarm everyone else.

Last I heard, something like 38 states have concealed carry now. Perhaps this is a reason why our crime rate has been falling since its all-time high in the 1990’s.

Then there is something seriously wrong with you as a Human being and I hope you never get ahold of anything more dangerous than a pair of tweezers.

The appropriate response to such a thing is to call the police and report it, and let them investigate. If you are feeling alarmed or threatened, leave the area.

Shooting someone because they make you feel threatened? Sociopathic and straight out Murder. I would easily vote to convict anyone who did this of first degree murder and, if my state had it, for the death penalty.

I still can’t get over the fact that people object when I carry my chainsaw around everywhere I go. Can’t be too prepared I say. The tree of Liberty needs to be periodically refreshed by pruning from patriots.

In time, no doubt, they would.

But here’s the key difference, known to all except liberals: we live in in a representative democracy, where the will of the people is expressed by laws crafted by our elected representatives.

In my state, and in every state I know, your ballsack plan is illegal. This is because the people have expressed their disdain for visible ballsacks, not just causal disdain as a matter of style, but outright criminal sanctions.

In contrast, open carry of firearms is perfectly legal in my state, and only seven states strictly forbid it. Fourteen more states require licenses to open carry. Over half the states generally permit open, unlicensed carry. Compare that to the zero states that permit your ballsack to gently swing in the public breeze, and you’ll see that the comparison leaves your ballsack woefully unappreciated.

Which I imagine is no real shock.