Astrologers have discertations for people under every sign: Pisces will receive a large amt of money on 4th of April etc. I’m fully aware that anyone can make anything up, How do these soothsayers determine their constantly changing characterizations of each sign? Cards? points on a chart?
Don’t ever say 288 in polite company. Its just two gross!
Well, Iknow thatin at least one case, one of the leading skeptics in his early newspaper days was assigned the job. He simply took all the trite 2 line boloney that passes for astrology, wrote them down on slips of paper, then drew @ random. NOBODY noticed anything wrong! The column got complments on its astuteness.
An Interesting parlor experiment. Get a number of detailed horoscopes/personality studies. Find out who is what sign, then read them the wrong one. Lots o’ laffs. Everybody will be nodding along like a tacobell dog in the back window of a chevy.
(Note, I tried the same thing w/ the Myers-Briggs, & it didn’t work. If the 2 were far apart enuf. nobody agreed w/ them)>
MadSam: Is this a question about “how” astrology works, as in the mechanics of it? Or is it a question about “whether” astrology works, as in, is it true?
This site has some interesting information about how astrology works. Fun to poke around in for a dose o’ mysticism.
“It says, I choo-choo-choose you. And it’s got a picture of a train.”
– Ralph Wiggum
NottheMama: No my question is what do the astrologers work with to determine that a Scorpio’s best day is on the 17th and again on the 25th? That financial success will be there for an Aquarius and on and on.
Do they use astrological charts? And how do they decide that a day will be good or bad for someone. Some newspapers have this everyday of the year. And it all seems like the figment of someone’s mind or is it? Please explain how they go about getting the info they use. And can any one do it or does the wise astrologer have to have special training or tallent?
[ul][li]Point of Order:[/ul][/li] David or Gaudere, I would like to submit that since evidently MadSam’s question concerns how astrology works, rather than whether it works, this thread should go over to General Questions, where I am certain someone will be able to enlighten him.
Even better, James Randi put together an all-encompassing horoscope. He has gone to college classes, had the prof. claim he was an astrologer and was giving them each personalized horoscopes (the prof collected the personal info previously from the students – and threw it away). He hands out the horoscopes and has each student rate it. Consistently HIGH ratings, never anybody saying it sucked. Then he has them pass it to the person behind them. Whoops! They realize they were all the same!
An acquaintance of mine did this last year in his class on pseudoscience and had the same results.
Thanks DAVID, but I believe from some of the above info that part of my earlier post was off thread (I was a little unclear until I read his answer to NOTTHE <thanks for clearing that up, guys!> ). Maybe this does belong in “general”.