Astronomy Q: What's visible near the moon right now?

A co-worker asked me today if I knew what the two bright lights are near the moon in the night sky. Why he asked me, I have no idea; maybe he knows I hang out here. But presumedly, we’re talking about planets. Also, I assume this was last night, say 2200 EST, in Maine. So, does anyone know what the two bright star like lights are near the moon lately?

Also, is there a cool website that will tell me what should be visible in the night sky for my location?


Jupiter and the star Spica (alpha Virginis).

Sky and Telescope website. Use the interactive sky chart…very kewl.

P.S. If you’ve got a popup blocker, it may block the skychart, so you’ll have to tell it to allow popups from When I installed the Google Toolbar, I was puzzled as to why my skychart suddenly disappeared.

Very cool website - thanks!