I’m surprised nobody mentioned Bobby Knight getting fired. The above line I quoted from a post of my own. It sure looks like the University of Indiana has finally given Knight enough rope to hang himself.
So he finally pulled a Woody Hayes.
At least the University of Indiana has instituted a zero-tolerance policy and applied it to Knight; he now knows that the end doesn’t justify the means.
Any other comments?
A lot of sports-worshipping types think it was wrong of IU to fire this guy! He’s obviously in need of psychological help. The only reason his behavior has been tolerated for the past 29 years is simple: How much money would YOU pay to see five college guys, say, design a bridge? solve a complex trig problem? search the universe for alien life?
Do you catch my drift?
If not, I’ll spell it out for you: M O N E Y!!!
Basketball and other college sports bring in a lot of MONEY. Knight was a guy who could produce a winning team (but, at what cost?) and RICH alumnis love to spend MONEY on their alma maters when they’re winners. The more your team wins, the more televised games you play, the more TV time you get the more MONEY you get.
How many college players (any sport) actually make it to the majors? How many of those last more than 1-2 years?
So I say to you Knight (what, no “Mr.” or “Coach” gee, don’t hit me!) GOOD RIDDANCE!! You give human beings a bad name.
dougie_monty, where you been? This subject has threads in both IMHO and GD.
I’ve never cared for him myself and am glad to see him go. I have a really funny sound file of Bobby Knight yelling at his team. If anyone would like to hear it let me know and I’ll e-mail it to you.
Yeah, a doofus I work with said he shouldn’t have been fired because you “have to maintaine discipline.” Gimme a break. You don’t have to be abusive to maintaine discipline. That’s BS.
Ding dong, the bitch is dead!! The IU students in that protest Sunday night must have learned their behavior from Knight. Oh excuse me, Coach Knight. A shame too, he is a great coach.
I read that Isiah Thomas is going to hire him as assistant coach, on the condition that Knight first learn self-control from Dennis Rodman and Rasheed Wallace. Let’s see him yell at a pro. Who wants to bet, if Knight does gets hired as assistant coach of the Pacers, on who will fight him back first? Reggie Miller? Rick Smits? Latrell Sprewell when they play the Knicks? Or will it be Isiah Thomas himself?
I wanna see Bobby Knight and Latrell Sprewell in a cage match.
All this makes me suddenly glad I went somewhere where ALL our sports teams suck. No pressure.
The irony is that for committing an act that could be charged as assault in most states, Knight (just let him grab my arm for not showing respect) will continue to recieve his salary for the two years reamaining on his contract, around $340k. This according to Marketplace on NPR yesterday.
Where I been? I been in Southern California for the last 48 years! Far from the presumed peer pressure to idolize Knight. And I use public computers so I don’t have as much time as I’d like for this.
Hear, hear, Padeye! Knight is just another moneybags crybaby like Darryl Strawberry or John McEnroe. I’d love to see what happens when the IRS catches up with Knight.
As far as I am concerned, Bobby Knight is the world’s prize: :wally
Speaking of Strawberry, he’s screwed up YET AGAIN also. This guy is a menace to society and should be locked up once and for all. Loading up on sleeping pills and getting into an SUV? GIVE ME A BREAK! I especially like how he tried to drive away from the scene until a cop beat on his window with a gun! :rolleyes:
…And if the cop didn’t know–or care–that the guy he was chasing was a sports star–well, that’s a “bonus.” I guess the only way to straighten these jerks out is send them to prison or fine them to the tune of six or seven figures–and, hey, they sure can’t invoke the 8th Amendment!
Not that I wouldn’t like to see Knight get what he really deserves but what does the IRS have to do with anything? AFAIK tax evasion is not among his character flaws.
Well, what would you like to see done to him? California’s (and, I presume, Indiana’s) criminal laws forbid me from meting out the justice I think he deserves. :mad: :mad: :mad: