Most skeptics claim they’re atheists.
They do this because they “see no evidence” for the existence of God.
And yet, they never disclose what exactly what they would consider to be “evidence” for the existence of God.
Is it walking on water? Elimination of all pain and suffering in the world? Allowing everyone to live forever?
Seriously, I would like to know exactly what skeptics would consider to be evidence for God.
Theism says God DOES exist.
Atheism says God DOES NOT exist.
And yet, neither view is Scientific in any sense of the word.
The only scientific disposition concerning God is Agnosticism: “I don’t know.”
In order to say something exists, you must provide evidence to that end.
Likewise, in order to say something does not exist, you must know the conditions or circumstances that would have to be in place for that phenomenon to exist and then be able to show — scientifically — how or why such circumstances cannot or do not exist.
But no Atheist is ever able to demonstrate this.
They simply “know”.
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
As an analogy, consider Love.
Most people, including skeptics, claim they “love” somebody.
Their spouse, their significant other, their friends, their relatives, their family.
But they cannot prove their love by the scientific method.
They claim love is simply an emotional response common to most people.
That is not scientific, that is anecdotal.
It is purely subjective which is not scientific in any sense of the word.
I don’t doubt you do love your spouse/friends/family.
But if you claim to adhere to the scientific method, how can you scientifically say you love anyone?
Logic has nothing to do with Passion.
You may answer that “love” and other emotions are nothing more than chemical reactions within your brain.
But such a disposition is The Matrix: how do you define reality?
If you take it to that level, then EVERY experience/emotion/thought could in fact be being fed to you by some external mechanism which is convincing you of a reality that is in fact not real.
So why do so many skeptics agree with atheism if it isn’t really scientific?