Not really. I had an odd experience recently, though:
My girlfriend and I were at a local park a few weeks ago. She started asking me questions about my mom, who passed away before the GF and I met. So we were talking about Mom, whom I miss terribly, and I got a bit misty, etc.
Now, my mom loved butterflies. She loved seeing them, but she really loved the notion of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, especially toward the end when she was very sick and was undergoing some hideously unpleasant (and ultimately unsuccessful) medical procedures that were intended to make her well again.
So we were talking about Mom, and as I was describing her love of butterflies, out of nowhere a butterfly flew over and landed on my arm. In fact, it stayed on my arm for twenty minutes or more, even as I got up and was walking around and doing stuff. Finally, after we’d gotten in the car and were preparing to leave (with the car’s windows open), the butterfly turned to face me, dipped its head as though saying goodbye, and then flew off.
It was a moving experience. The timing, just as we were discussing Mom’s love of butterflies, made it seem like more than mere coincidence, and moreover this was the first time in my entire life (I’m almost 40) that a butterfly had landed on me at all, let alone hanging around for twenty minutes.
I’m a pretty hardcore atheist, and I’m well aware that this is not evidence of anything supernatural. You may think the story sounds a bit silly. I know for certain that if someone else posted this story, I’d think it sounded a bit silly.
On the other hand, I do try to be willing to adapt my beliefs based on my experiences, and there’s a part of my brain that, after an experience like that, says, “Good grief, what’s it going to take to convince me?”
Still not convinced, but that definitely got my attention.