Aubrey-Maturin - the final unpublished chapters

Has anyone else read “21”? It’s the title given to what would have been the 21st novel in the series. O’Brian had finished three chapters when he died, and they’ve been published.

“21” includes typewritten pages alongside O’Brian’s handwritten pages, but the last few pages weren’t typed and O’Brian’s handwriting isn’t easy to decipher.

Dr. Maturin has been grievously insulted by Mr. Miller, an admiral’s nephew and a famous duellist (with pistols). I’m not sure who challenges who, but there’s to be a duel and Maturin gets to choose the weapon. Anyone know what happened? I think Maturin chose swords rather than pistols and that Miller refused to fight using swords. Miller was therefore forced to apologize, and the duel didn’t happen.

Is that what happened?

I haven’t read it, but I checked wikipedia:

Your reading was close.

Thanks! So there was a duel.

I was hoping Stephen would skewer the guy. But I don’t suppose Mrs. Wood would have appreciated it, and the guy was highly connected, so Jack might have been hurt as well.

I’m really gonna miss these books, but at least things ended on a high note.

“Admiral Aubrey” has a nice ring to it.

And Stephen may have found love, or at least a woman who appreciates him. :slight_smile:

I thought he and the naturalist Lady had a thing going in Blue at the Mizzen.

Yep, that’s her. She hasn’t accepted Stephen’s proposal yet, but she’s sailing with him (along with Jack’s family). And she asked for Stephen’s help in getting Miller to stop his unwanted attentions. Very encouraging. Miller would have been considered a catch by most women, but Christine saw right through him.

What is Admiral Aubrey’s mission? What ship carries his flag?

Jack has command of the Suffolk. Surprise is heading back to England with some passengers, on orders from Admiral Leyton. And what an ass he is. Jack explained that Surprise wasn’t a Navy ship and couldn’t be ordered around, and Leyton threatened to press the crew.

Not sure what the mission is, but Jack’s supposed to be headed for South Africa.

A good part of the three chapters had to do with Jack and Stephen’s efforts to enforce domestic tranquility. Seems Jack’s daughters are jealous of Stephen’s daughter and aren’t treating her very well. The plan is to give Jack’s girls reason to respect her, and they do this by letting Brigid show what a good sailor she is. The plan was working.

Here’s a link to a synopsis.

I’m guessing that disarming and forcing him to apologize is even more degrading to someone like Miller than death would be. Certainly Stephen could have skewered him if he wished, he does have a “murthering quick thrust”.

Let me just note down all the insulting things you said about the Surprise’s owner so he can repeat them to his good friend the Duke of Clarence.