AUGH, what is this 80's song?

That’s definitely “Rio” by Duran Duran. Or is it “Hungry like the Wolf”?

Definitely “Rio”. MTV used to use that part of the video for commercials.

What’s that song with a three-letter title by that good-looking, well-dressed New Wave group? Dammit, can’t think of it!


By Nirvana of course.

OK, it IS Duran Duran. The clips on Amazon weren’t of the section of the song I was thinking of so it threw me off.

Also: I seem to have inadvertently created a monster.

It’s Rio, but it was done by an obscure band called the Hi Opals!

It’s ok. It’s silly night on the boards.

Really? :smiley:

Then the song I’m really looking for is “Strawman Hiopal’s 1920’s Style Band Name” by the Dog-Burning Death Ray Hamsters.


Dude, you know so little about music.

The Dog-Burning Death Ray Hamsters didn’t write “Strawman Hiopal’s 1920’s Style Band Name.”

Duran Duran did.
It was the B-side to a single called Rio.

You ever heard that one? It’s pretty good.

I thought they wrote “Penis Ensues.”
Or maybe it was that 1960’s group - you know, the one that was popular for about 20 minutes?

I think the song you’re looking for is “Duran” by the group Rio Rio.

I think the song you’re looking for is “Duran” by the group Rio Rio.

When come back bring Rio.

I, for one, welcome our New Wave overlords.

I know this one so I’m just skipping to the bottom without reading the thread.

It’s “Rio” by Duran Duran.

Apologies if that’s been posted already.

sigh To answer the OP, it’s got to be “Rio” by Duran Duran.

Get with it, people! :rolleyes: :smiley:

Oh c’mon. This is just pathetic. This thread has become nothing more than an excuse to pack in every SDMB cliche possible. And that sort of thing makes baby Og cry.

All Your Durans Are Belong To Us!!

Ahh, it’s 1980s “Rio” by Duran Duran.