August 2018 White Civil Rights Rally in Washington, DC.

What a potty mouth!

I’m sure that all the Nazis that frequent this board are glad they have you to defend them. I expect Steophan to send you a gift basket any minute now.

Well, that was quite Womp Wompy an affair. OTOH having it late on a Sunday is a recipe for low turnout, people have jobs to go back to on Monday.

Still, when it comes to neofascist racial supremacists, it is rightful and good to let it be known loudly and explicitly, how they are repudiated and unwelcome.

(Meanwhile, and FWIW, if a lack of participation in those activities means that in turn the sweethearts from the black-bloc/blackflagger crowd don’t get as much of a chance to do much of *their *thing either, that’s a win-win IMO.)

Gotta love how some come into a thread about a group of Nazis who are openly celebrating the anniversary of when they managed to kill a counterprotester and go sackcloth and ashes about the poor, oppressed Nazi’s civil rights rather than, say, condemning them for being racist genocidal Nazis.

Cry for the Nazis, cry for them HARDER.

The best part of that rally was the on-site CNN reporter openly laughing on live TV because of how few white nationalists were there.

I don’t necessarily subscribe to the idea that hate speech ought to be protected. That doesn’t represent some naive assumption on my part that you can stamp out racism by suppressing those ideas, but there’s something to be said for not exacerbating ethnic conflicts. We’re the only modern democratic society I know of that assumes all speech, no matter how divisive and repugnant it is, must be protected as if it were as valuable as the writings of Thoma Paine or Thomas Jefferson.

They realized quickly they picked the wrong venue; Washington, DC is a diverse melting pot of highly educated people, and it’s close to other metropolises from which people can arrive by train within an hour or two. Not the ideal location for angry, white, racist, chauvinistic shit kickers.

Charlottesville was a better location, but they kinda wore out their welcome. For their next shit show, I suspect they’ll probably have some sort of Woodstock for rednecks.

Nice. :cool: Don’t want to let this go unappreciated.

Any attempt at claiming this is about principle was lost when their rights were perfectly honored, and you’re still complaining.

Anyone got a link to video? Not seeing it in a Google video search yet.

This would go great with the tuba.

Maybe not, if they’re stupid enough to show their faces and get publicly identified as Nazi scum. No doubt that contributed to low turnout.

Sometimes you surprise even yourself, then?

Not sure if that would be captured. Just happened to see it when I turned CNN on for a few minutes.

How exciting.

There you go. Lying again. Bad septimus! Bad!

I defended Colin Kaepernick in several posts. However, I was unaware there was now a quota for the advocation of civil rights. Why is it you and others want to use violence to deprive people of the right to speak? Why do you hate the constitution? Why do you lie so much?

Why are you racist against Alabama?

In his defense, Alabama is just objectively awful.

Define hate speech and get to work on an amendment. Until then, encouraging violence is all you have to silence views you don’t agree with.

I think he’s a fucking Nazi, or pretty fucking close. I already knew he was a scumbag.

Catch up.

No one cares what you think, aside from other pro mob violence posters, because you are one of the unhinged and violent on this board.

Personally, I hope a lot of employers see these Nazis in video and photos - so they have no job anymore.

Now get to work on that amendment.