August Can't Take It Anymore: August Mini-Rants

Why would an ophthalmologist prescribe eyedrops for only one eye, when the patient has conjunctivitis in both eyes?

“Instill 1 drop into the right eye three times daily”

My guess: a sloppily written OU (both eyes) was read as OD (right eye) by the pharmacist.

Yeah, if you write a “U” in a slanted way and curve the top to almost connect it might look like a “D”.

Over the weekend, I burnt my face under my eye. The burn is about the size of a dime and looks terrible. I am really enjoying explaining to everyone what happened to my face.

(What happened: I went to the gun range and my eye protection slid down my nose as a hot shell casing bounced off the wall and into my glasses. I was safe and great at that but I did not immediately flush my face with water like I maybe should have.)

I wish I lived in a moneyless society. Or that I could afford to work for free.

I’ve done a fair amount of work recently with the expectation/express agreement that I would be paid and I haven’t been yet. And I feel like kind of a dick for even wanting to, but also, I have to pay for food and shelter.

For one, the kids. I don’t know how anyone works a low-paying job and also pays for childcare. Their mom is trying to get on her feet and really can’t afford it. But also, watching those kids is a lot of work, I can’t get other work done on the days I have them, and the deal was that I would be paid and I also have rent to pay.

For two, I did a whole lot of graphics work for an event/fundraiser that ended up being canceled due to COVID concerns. I feel bad asking to be paid for something that’s now useless to them. But… I still did the work they asked for.

Neither has said they won’t or can’t pay me and both have said they still plan to, but now I’m in the position of having to hound them for it or figure out another way to pay my bills this month. I really would do it for free if I could afford to, but I just can’t.

I sounds like you need to ask for a deposit up front, at the very least.

Ow! Ow! Ow! I’ve been burnt by hot shells at the range, oh I know that pain. The worst was when I had a loose shirt and one went right down into it. I’ve also had them hit my face (outside of eye protection) and burn a bit but not held against my face luckily, just bouncing off. Ouch I feel for you. :frowning:

I remember when I spent a 4th of July holiday at a house that belonged to the cousin of a couple of my friends. (He was a somewhat-successful male model who had done a little TV stuff so had a really nice house on an island.) I was probably 19 years old at the time, and he handed me and my buddies some machetes and said we could cut a trail through the woods behind his house. (He was a bit drunk which is why handing machetes to teenagers seemed like a good idea.)

Things went bad as you might imagine but not the way you might think. We were cutting a trail pretty well and I came up to a pretty stubborn plant (either a small tree or tall bush, I’m not sure). It was very tough and springy, and I couldn’t cut through a really rubbery branch. So I had the idea of bending the branch, to put a lot of tension on it, and hopefully make it less likely that my machete would bounce off of it.

My grip slipped and the branch smacked me in the face. It was like being hit with a baseball bat. Even worse, it had a bunch of tiny, spiky little branches on it, so it was like being hit with a mace or morning star.

The whole side of my face looked like a red mask of blood, like something out of a horror film. I had to go to work a day later and while it had scabbed up, I looked like a mess. I told everyone at work what had happened - the truth - and for some reason people were skeptical. So then I told them I was in a bar fight and they believed me and stopped asking me about it. It was crazy that people would only believe the most outlandish explanation and not the truth. (When I was young I never touched alcohol, and yes I was underage but it was still available if I wanted it, I still would never touch it, and I was definitely not the kind of person to go into a bar.)

The one that gets me is when they ask if my husband did it. I suppose sometimes you do have to ask but, man!

One more rant - I want a puppy. I want a puppy so bad. I love their cute faces and silliness. But I also have an infant and I work full time and a puppy is a really bad idea. Why does life have to get in the way?

I have a solution for you.

Yup, doctor’s error. He just sent in another Rx for both eyes.

I was thinking the medication can jump from one eye to the other, just like conjunctivitis.

Workarounds possible?

I take our dogs to work with me, but if I couldn’t my gf is currently working from home.

I also know a couple who share a dog. They work hours opposite each other, are basically roommates, and have shared custody.

Who does infant care, and could they take on puppy care for a bit more $$? Puppy care involves periods of crate time, pretty simple.

Foster. Find a rescue looking for foster homes and offer your services. They need someone, at least, to hang onto the puppy for the two weeks in between their first and second sets of shots. It’s tough to give them up, but less so with a puppy because a) you know they’ll be gone pretty quickly at that two week mark, so you can plan for it, unlike adult dogs, who can be kind of a crapshoot. b) in actual practice, puppies are nightmares. Two weeks is enough to either cure you of your puppy fever or give you a better idea of exactly where the challenges are and what might be done in order to make it work.

And/or volunteer at a shelter, where you can have all the smooshy joy of puppies without all the responsibility.

And/or consider an adult dog. Mine is about 11 (I’ve had her 8 months) and is cuter than any puppy (it’s true, fight me) and extremely silly, but also housebroken, reliably good with children and cats, knows how to listen, sleeps through the night, doesn’t destroy my stuff, and doesn’t need constant supervision and attention. I’ll never stop singing the praises of adult dogs.

So, you have a teardrop shaped burn under one eye and you have clothes that smell like the gun range? Oh, the stories you could have spun!

"You see, Pablo Escobar decided to store millions and millions of dollars inside the walls of my house. He was going to just kill me, but he decided to give me one chance out of pity. He said he wouldn’t kill my husband and I if we each made our bones by killing someone in the next 48 hours. For my husband, he made it easy. He can kill anyone.

It’s tougher for me though, because I dared question him about picking our house. Me…?
Well, I have to kill someone from work…"

Some of the leaves of our dogwood tree are starting to turn red, the first harbinger of autumn. Just in time for September. :slightly_frowning_face:

We have a beautiful red maple that lost its leaves in July. It did this once before, and I read it’s a sign of stress. I hope it is ok.

Yes. I need this. It’s almost Halloween. I have an excuse.

This is legit advice that I think I can look into.

Also legit. Adult dogs need love too.

I laughed so freaking hard. Thank you.

Our driveway needed replacing. Since the sidewalk at the end of the driveway had cracked and sunk in causing a puddle every time it rained, we had that replaced also. Sidewalk added on about $800. Job gets done, looks great, everyone’s happy.

One week later I wake up to city trucks parked up and down the street. Guess what they are there for? Yep, replacing the sidewalk on both sides of the street. I feel like asking for a $800 rebate from the city.

In the pet pictures thread somewhere about post 405 there is photographic evidence of the cuteness.

It is compelling evidence.

September is here for those not doing late responses to stuff in this thread: