Target and Kmart big box department stores are on Australian soil as well as American suburbs.
Are there any big differences between a Target in Australia and one in the US, or an American Kmart versus on Down Under? I know the logos are different (I think the Australian stores use older versions), but are there any big differences in the stores themselves? The marketing?
They’re pretty much the same in Australia as they are in the U.S. I would say the KMart I’ve been to here is nicer than the KMarts I’ve been to in the U.S. (more organized, you can get better quality stuff there). The Target in Australia is slightly less nice than the Targets in the U.S. The clothing’s the same quality, and the homewares are about the same, but there’s less selection and fewer trendy/cool things. I think the two stores are closer in quality and selection than they are in the U.S. I the U.S., I would be more likely to drive a lot further to go to Target, even if there was a KMart nearby. Here in Australia, I would go to whichever is closer…and I do. I have a KMart within walking distance that I spend a *lot * of time in.
As far as marketing…I’m not sure. I don’t really notice that stuff too much. They both have the standard, run-of-the-mill commercials on tv. No significant difference from what you’d see in the U.S.