Authors who can do no wrong

Forward has written lots of other books. I liked Rocheworld and Dragon’s Egg and Starquake and Indistinguishable From Magic. But if you think he could do no wrong, try reading Camelot 30K. Yecch.
Sadly, he died a few years ago.

Betty Smith. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a classic, and Joy in the Morning, Maggie-Now, and Tomorrow Will Be Better are very good.

The only thing keeping Ira Levin off this list is Son of Rosemary.

I came here to say that!


Margaret Mitchell, ditto!

I’ve read everything by these authors with no disappointments:
Nelson Demille
Elmore Leonard
John Sandford
Harper Lee

I haven’t read all , just most, by these authors, with no disappointments:
Loren D. Estelman
Stephen Jay Gould
John McPhee
Ed McBain/Evan Hunter
Tom Wolfe
John Feinstein