Awful yet predictable consequences of anti-abortion legislation omnibus thread

@Buck_Godot came up with this idea after I posted this thread.

So here we go. And I put it in the Pit on purpose. Let the F words fly.

I started the thread about the 16 year old also forced to carry to term. These people are monsters.

A very high percentage of those “deformities incompatible with life” pregnancies also, for want of a better word, poison the mother, so if the mother DOES choose to carry the baby as long as possible, SHE needs to have very intensive medical care.

And then there’s the candidate who wants to completely outlaw abortion, even for things like tubal pregnancies. Insane.

Well if I don’t get the immortality that comes with being the OP of what is likely to be a multi thousand post thread (probably couldn’t handle the pressure anyway), at least I was acknowledge as the inventor in the first post.

Wait a second… Who’s Buck_Godat? :laughing:

Fuck those fucking fuckers.

They have NO notion of physiology. Remember “the body can shut that down”? They claim to truly believe pregancy is literally magical/miraculous. I say that’s just an excuse.

And you know they will NOT be happy with “leaving it to the states”. As soon as they are back in charge they’ll seek to just flat out outlaw it absolutely everywhere no matter what.

Like it was said above,

I only wish a certain part of their belief IS right, and on The Day, when they come up expecting their reward, He will turn his face and say “I don’t know you”.

I was waiting for him, but he never turned up.

Well, either completely ignorant, or they actually want women to die. Helps keep them in their place like the good old days don’tcha know.

Well, shit. I was wondering why it didn’t pop up your profile.

Fixed the typo in the OP.

Wow, I self-reported that typo less than three minutes ago.

“Fuckers are fast, too.”
–Simon Phoenix, Demolition Man

A tearful Republican in South Carolina has an epiphany about an anti-abortion bill he himself voted for, the fuck.

She had to live like this for TWO WEEKS.

Basically, they created legislation based on a premise that the “kind of person who would have/perform an abortion” would of course easily lie about having a valid medical requirement to terminate a gestation, so of course we’ll make it virtually impossible to medically justify.

I am wholly prepared to believe that folks like that legislator just swallowed hook, line and sinker whatever line of bullshit antichoice advocates fed them and only now because actual living, breathing, “good” constiuents (not “those other immoral people”) are suffering, they are discovering that YES there can be a good reason for aborting.

Most maddening part? Those who try to rectify their mistake will be ipso facto primaried by the Jesus Guns Babies types who will insist that there is no such thing as a valid termination, and often succesfully so.

I searched the site for a more current thread on abortion, but couldn’t find it. (Maybe I’m just horrible at searcing.) Thus the bumpting of this thread.

Nah, nobody could have foreseen this as a result of oppressive anti-abortion legislation:

Tennessee Woman Denied Abortion for Ectopic Pregnancy Was Left Infertile

I can’t even quote the article, it’s so appalling what happened to her.

She should have asked for a D&C like Jessa Duggar did!

Y’know, the Bible says that we’re not to suffer those who render women infertile to live…

That story is horrific!

Can’t blame the doctors – the defense that you did it to save the life or health of the pregnant person only comes up after you’re already charged under the abortion law. Terrible, terrible law.

But the baby lived, so it’s a great law! /s

For what it’s worth, a D&C is used to “clean up” when a pregnancy is nonviable. It’s not clear whether Duggar’s fetus was still developing at all. I had a D&C for an impending miscarriage, many years back, as there was not a viable embryo. My body had recognized that it was all over, and I began spotting; an ultrasound confirmed no heartbeat (or anything close to what should have been there if the pregnancy was going anywhere).

Annoyingly, “missed abortion” is the term used for that situation.

There are tales of women being denied that basic care, in these insane states - when clearly there is ZERO concern that the pregnancy is viable. Doctors are terrified.

It’s pretty clear what others have already said:

For many, it’s not about the viability of a fetus. Or about “think about the children” or about “all life is precious”.

For many, it’s about punishing women. It’s about the cruelty. It’s about pretending that they are superior.

Of course, when it comes to THEM, then The Only Moral Abortion is MY Abortion.

In the news…

Mexico has apparently decriminalized abortion*… and Alabama wants to make *going to a different state to get an abortion^ an act of criminal conspiracy. Yeesh.

^ In 12 of 32 Mexican states abortion is currently decriminalized. This ruling greatly expands access, allowing it in the federal health system. No doubt there will be further court challenges following a decision 2 years ago in Coahuila, as Mexico is very much a Catholic country, but this is probably progress.