Bachelor(ette) now 1 for 7

Breaking news: The second Bachelorette has broken up with the “winner” of the contest for her fair hand – making the monomaniacal Trista the only one to sustain a relationship out of the 7 contestants on the show.

Okay – who’s surprised by this development? And for those of you who are prepared to chime in with “who cares?,” I’m not unaware that hook-up reality shows are one of the signs of the Apocalypse. I’m mostly fascinated with the lovely Trista, who through sheer grit and determination – and a firm grasp of Ryan’s, er, short hairs – made it to the altar. They’ve now been married, what, two years?

Doesn’t this hurt the credibility of the shows? If the viewer is watching with the hopes of true love, and that love has not been statistically borne out, what incentive is there?

I would like to watch one of these shows with two bachelors and a large number of women.

The two guys are completly different from each other. If a woman gets picked by one of the guys she gets a cash prize. If she also likes the guy well that is even better.

I just think have competition by both genders would be more interesting.

Did Meredith and Ian actually marry, or were they just “together?”

They were just “together.”

I never knew what she saw in him, anyway.

What about the season (of The Bachelor) that just ended, with wossisname and my beloved Mary? I think they’re still dating.


I don’t think it matters what happens after the show is over. People watch the shows to see the drama of the moment. Who’s going to be the biggest bitch/asshole tonight? Who will get roses, and who will be going home? What are they doing behind those bushes? :smiley:

The appeal of these shows is playing along, picking your favorites and rooting against the ones you don’t like. Sure, it’s nice to think that they will stay together and have a lasting relationship, but I don’t think it really detracts from the drama of the show to know that they may not stay together.