Back from tropical paradise

So, I figured the board is down, and who knows when it’s coming back… so I’ll just jaunt off to the tropics for a few days!

And I did. I’m just back from beautiful Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. It was the best weekend I’ve spent in a long time.

I’m not even going to try to read everything I missed… damnit, why didn’t you wait 'til I came back before fixing this dang thing?!?


  • Rick

Jealous! I’m jealous, you hear! I haven’t been on a REAL vacation in about 7 years.

::sigh:: someday!

Glad you had a good time.

How was it, Bricker? The fiancée and I are considering the caribbean for a honeymoon, and so far we had settled on one of the US Virgin Islands. But we’re always willing to consider other options.

Would you recommend it? Please bring the force of the Bricker mind to bear on this.

How was it? See “paradise” in the thread title! :slight_smile:

Of course, I had the benefit of a gorgeous native to help out with the language barrier; even though se llamo Muñoz, I must admit to being less than fluent in Spanish.

That factor might make the US Virgin Islands a bit more inviting to American tourists. But in the DR, I found that most people spoke at least a small bit of English, although I noticed that when I was alone they tried their English and when I was with my sweetie they immediately realized she spoke Spanish and dealt directly with her. Basically, this consisted of me standing there smiling until she told me how much money to hand the clerks. :slight_smile:

The weather was amazing. It was never too warm, and everyone was friendly. There’s a lot of history on the island – it being, after all, where Columbus landed – and the city is older than anything on our mainland. I actually saw the place where Columbus built the first cross in the New World, on a hill appropriately known as Santo Cerro - the Holy Hill.

I suspect the food is good as well, although I admit that my eating out experiences this trip were limited: Chinese food, Burger King, and Church’s Chicken. Sheesh! But I did have two great home-cooked Dominican meals, courtesy of my girlfriend’s mother, which were superb.

We also attended the Carnival that happens in Santiago every 27 February, their Independence Day. It was amazing, even the part where the people dressed as diablos come into the onlookers and whack their asses with padded clubs. It was fun.

I’m not sure what you’re looking for in a honeymoon – but if it includes a beautiful isalnd, friendly people, history, shopping, and the chance to be spanked by total strangers, I would suggest that the DR is well worth considering.

  • Rick