I wanted to play some tricks on some friends. So I tried to go to site deleted to get the program. But it didn’t load. I found a different way into the site, but the download just sends me to another site and it is broken! Where can I get it. I really don’t feel like getting it from a P2P program cause those ppl are up to no good and I don’t update my Norton very often.

[Edited by TubaDiva on 07-05-2001 at 11:33 AM]

I could tell you where to get it, but I’m not going to and I don’t think anyone else is going to either. And they shouldn’t. You’re asking us for a malicious cracker tool that once installled, gives you complete control over the remote computer. It is evil, and so are you, if you think this is a “prank.”

Jeez, was just tryin to play a joke on somebody. What am I gonna do, look up his or her financial records? I am a 16 year old kid. Thanks for calling me evil(WTF?? jeez, arent you Holier than thou?).

You don’t get it. BO not only makes the machine open to you, it opens up the machine to ANYONE who discovers that BO is running on your machine. It opens up a port, and people are constantly scanning the net for open BO ports. Once they discover it’s open, the machine is laid bare for them too. Your prank can cause more grief than you realize.

Go find some less malicious prank to pull.

You’re not evil, but you shouldn’t have access to back orifice, because no one should have access to back orifice. It’s the cracker equivalent of a sniper rifle, and last I checked, it’s very hard to play “pranks” with a sniper rifle.

I seriously doubt that anyone here would be able to tell you, for the simple reason that the moderators don’t allow anyone to post instructions on how to do anything illegal. I’m not sure if downloading a copy of back orifice is illegal, but there sure are a lot of illegal things you can do with it.

If you want to play a prank, stick with the classics, like Kool-Aid on his bed.

Back in my yester year I used to raise all kind of hell with Netbus. They would always think I was their older brother’s friend and such. Some people started getting freaked the hell out like they were being infiltrated by the CIA.

It’s just not cool to play with peoples minds like that. But I would sell it to you for $500.00. Email me.

I was kidding, so don’t…

Well, this thread was much more interesting when my cloudy mind misinterpreted the topic :wink:

Netbus is actually a usefull tool. I used it to control another PC on my home network, and at school (with permission). OK, I did play a few tricks on my little brother and teacher. They always knew it was me, most of my tricks involved my name popping up on the screen repeatedly or my web page opening. With Netbus, I believe you can specify which IP addresses can connect to the netbus server, and there is a password. Its been a while since I used it, though. I wouldn’t reccomend uisng it over the internet, too slow even with cable. IT can be fun to mess with, but make sure your freind diesn’t mind. Ask him BEFORE you install it on his PC.

Thats wierd. Did each computer on your home network have a seperate IP address? I know that’s how they market Netbus but I never knew how it would actually work on a network.

I tried it on mine here at home but it wouldn’t work because I use a hub that splits the internet connection out to my computers. All my computers have the same IP address.

I’m sure I would have to run a server to do it.

399 posts. Woohoo!

You’re sitting on it … er … soaking in it now.

Are you sure they all have the same. Most routers assign internal ip addresses to each computer (NAT).

So anybody with BO can access the computer that I infected? That makes it undesirable. What is the point of that?

Um–cosmic evil?

The password feature on NetBus can be cracked very easily. I wouldn’t recommend using any Trojan horse programs to play a joke on someone. One of my friends used a password protected NetBus server to kid around with his girlfriend, then someone else cracked it and deleted her Windows folder.

Netbus is a program that grants you total control over a person whom is infected with Netbus. You can type things on their screen, adjust their volume, open their cd tray, download files, delete files, and you can do it all without the person ever knowing. Unfortunately, I could never resist wreaking havok.

*Originally posted by wishbone *

I know what Netbus is, but I was just wondering WHY would the makers of BO make it so that anybody can acces anybody elses computer? That just makes it unsafe to use IMHO.

*Originally posted by kgriffey79 *

Thats kind of the point. It wasnt designed to be a harmless little tool, but to be a destructive hacker tool.

Um, it’s 10:00, is that late enough to start drinking?

Don’t play with Back Oriface. It’s bad news.

Now if you just want to play a joke on someone go to Computer Pranks and download their software. You’ll need access to your friend’s computer, but the jokes are funnier and less evil.