I am 100% in the Yay camp but from perusing Allrecipes, it seems that the majority do not use it. What say you?
If you have a favorite baked bean recipe, don’t be afraid to share.
I am 100% in the Yay camp but from perusing Allrecipes, it seems that the majority do not use it. What say you?
If you have a favorite baked bean recipe, don’t be afraid to share.
Definitely Yay, or Yea.
I make my mom’s baked beans. There’s no recipe though. She started with pork & beans from a can and added molasses or brown sugar, dry mustard, ketchup, onions, and lots of bacon – cooked bacon in the beans and uncooked bacon in a layer on top. Baked in a casserole until the liquids were almost absorbed and the bacon was done.
Absolutely yes.
While I can see legitimate reasons for eliminating bacon, such as religious dietary restrictions, or a desire to pursue a vegetarian diet, otherwise, why would you not put bacon in your beans? Hell, yeah!
Before I became Jewish, yes.
Of course! That’s what gives it the taste.
Bacon puts the pork in pork n’ beans.
Bacon goes in everything. Especially beans.
Bacon, bacon grease, left-over pulled pork, anything that looks like it might have once been *near * pork…it’s all good.
[jim carrey]
And yay to bacon.
Yea. (And I’m Jewish. <former rabbi smiley here>
My wife used to work for a vegetable cannery, and they put bacon in their beans in mass quantities.
If you’re looking for some bacon validation, KRM, obviously you’ve come to the right place.
carnivorousplant, man, that’s got to be rough! Is catfish also on the no-fly list? If so, you picked a lousy state to be from, you know.
No piggy comestibles for me. (And I’m not Jewish.)
mmmm…bacon good. Try adding some coffee for a nice smokey flavor.
Much as I enjoy baked, why not go all the way and make ranch beans? The recipe I have somewhere includes bacon, chorizo, and pork sausage. Also onions and cilantro.
Yes, on bacon.
I’ll try to dig out my recipe for Calico Beans tomorrow night. Best, ever.
Yeah, catfish have no scales. We are forbidden to work or “make sparks”, like using a personal computer on Shabbes…oh, Hell.
Your recipe sounds almost exactly like my wife’s. Yummmmmmmmy. The consensus seems to be in favor of bacon. I don’t know what those Allrecipes people are thinking.
Give up the recipe please!!!