bactria respiration

Choose a bacterium and describe the type of respiration
that it uses.
I am having so much trouble with this quesstion. It is only worth 1 point but that 1 point could make a big difference!! I could only find two types of respiration aerobic and anabolic but I could not relate one with a bacteria.:confused:

Anabolic? Do you mean anaerobic? Or do you mean, a type of respiration that is both aerobic and utilizes anabolic but not catabolic pathways?

Respiration types[ul]
[li]obligate aerobe [/li][li]obligate anaerobe [/li][li]facultative (an)aerobe [/li][li]aerotolerant anaerobe [/li][li]microaerophile [/ul][/li]Overview
Far too much information about anaerobic respiration.

Thanks so much for the help!!!