Bad Astronomer On Fast Track To Become Next Carl Sagan

search don’t woik for me, so dunno if this has been done-anyway:

Phil Plait is blazing a new red-hot trail in astronomy circles by being pictured standing next to the largest telescope in the world that he created from glasses in his kitchen cupboard, an old shaving mirror, his wife’s compact and around 3 1/2 billion egg cartons.

He is pictured on the ASTRONOMY PICTURE OF THE DAY (really) next to his giant machine located in his kitchen. Mmm, now that I look at it again, I see that it isn’t a telescope, it’s a table with some eggs STANDING ON END! And somehow he’s been able to get even more to stand on end in,yes, an EGG CARTON!

I can’t post a link with this loathsome webtv, so I"ll have to leave that to someone else. Won’t you help?

Congratulations on hitting the APOD big time,Phil. I suppose you’ll dump all us little people now. Oh(sob) just leave me alone. No, don’t touch me!

Seriously Phil, woof!

Go BA!!!

Mucho thanko,Dijon

I saw it first thing this morning and was wondering how long it would take before someone posted it, since we know he’s a member. Maybe we can draw him out…

Hope he remembers the little people when he blows up and gets all big and he’s driving around bling blingin’ in his Caddy. Can’t you just see him with a bunch of gold necklaces? One for each planet in the Solar system…

Way to go BA!

I saw the picture first thing this morning and rushed to the SDMB to be the first to post a link.

Alas, I got scooped. Well done folks.

Congratulations Phil, our very own Bad Astronomer, on the press coverage.

PS - I’ll say it so he won’t have to… buy his book.

Man, I was just doing a search to see if that’d been put up yet. Good for Phil!

All hail Bad Astronomy :smiley: I just finished reading Phil’s debunking of the moon hoax theories, great stuff!

Already did, and I recommend it enthusiastically! In fact, I would suggest it makes a great gift for anyone who is even mildly interested in the sky and its contents!

Yay, BA!!

But how well does he say “Billions and Billions”?

Note the link back to one of Cecil’s columns :slight_smile:

Although, his book is highly informative and entertainibg, BA would be well advised to have his next book throughly copy edited.

Although, his book is highly informative and entertainibg, BA would be well advised to have his next book thoroughly copy edited.

Although, his book is highly informative and entertainibg, BA would be well advised to have his next book thoroughly copy edited.

Although his post is highly informative and entertaining, gobear would be well advised to have his next post thoroughly copy edited.
(I couldn’t resist. Gaudere’s Law strikes again.)

Ah, it’s 1920’s style “bad astronomy.”

Ah, it’s 1920’s style “bad astronomy.”


Hoist by my own petard!

Wow, there are three threads on this today. And I thought I didn’t have a life.

Of course I will remember the little people when I get big. I have to remember; they will be the ones I have to target for termination since they might remember things I have done in the past.

Wow, the BA appeared in my thread. I want to be famous,too.
Terminate me first BA,terminate me first!

I’ve never had a thread about me locked, either. Now I feel famous.