Bad bad bad Ivy and that awful aroma you're sportin'

After she made me actually hobble around stripping my bed and hunting errant dainties and socks for the laundry, she decided she needed to be away from me and ran upstairs.
Moi? Sez I? What I do?

Ok. I griped and huffed and generally acted like a brat. But, I do that regularly. No need to distress.
(Skilled nursing assistants are hard to find nowadays, or else…)

Anyway a good hour passed. I napped. Read the Dope. Worked on my cross words. Chatted with someone.

All of a sudden something smells weird to me. It got stronger. Ivy was lurking around in my room now. Scoffing at my bed making ability. Picking up my newspapers. I grabbed my puzzle pages and the smell was very off-putting.

I realized it was Ivy when I saw the orange cloud around her.
I said, rather curtly, “what the hell is that smell, on you”

It can’t be perfume. It’s not a cleaning product or Lysol(her usual scent).
She sez, “Wut!?, you mean?”

I told her I smelt an offensive odor, “Coming from your direction!”

Oh, she said meekly, I washed my hair. “What the hell do you use for shampoo?”, I kinda shrieked.
“Motor oil?”

Selsin Blue. Good god that stuff stinks.
She’s had a spate of itchiness she said.

Oh, ok.
How do they sell that stuff smelling like that?
And is Lumē available for the head?

Need to know soon. Before Ivy’s head itches again.

It’s an offshoot of “if it doesn’t taste bad, it’s not effective medicine.” If it smells bad, they had to have put it in because it works.


Imma buy her something else for itchy head hair shampoo.

I have say, it may just stink but her hairs extra nice this evening.

Here’s some home remedies ideas for itchy scalp. Good Rx is a reliable site.:

Dove has an anti-itch shampoo (and a matching conditioner)-Dove products usually have quite pleasant smells. Has to be better than what you describe. At Target and Walmart and of course Amazon.

Head and Shoulders just came out with a newer, fewer ingredients, no SLS dandruff shampoo that might be good to take a sniff of. Also at Target and Walmart.

My beloved, treasured, cherished 6 year old granddaughter suffers from an itchy scalp and I hate the smell of the shampoo she has at the moment, so I’m scouting around for one worthy of her (and not nasty).

Please let me know if you find a nice smelling one first.

Dove brand has to be better.
I don’t know if it works any better. We shall find out.
Surely a stinky orange cloud won’t occur. :flushed:

Here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

I found this: “It’s active ingredient is selenium sulfide which can have that classic bad egg sulfur smell…” I found it described as “puke smell” and “sour ass clothes”.

I use Head and Shoulders which smells nice.

I agree with the H&S aroma.
I smelled them at the store. Kinda nice.

And, Little Troy sez it gets all those little fungus buggers off your scalp.
I’m all for that.

I’ll back that purchase.

H&S makes a tea tree oil version for itchy scalp.

For good smellin’ H&S, look for the green apple. Sam’s Club used to carry it, but not any more.

Sometimes I use medicated shampoo that stinks like burning tires. After shampooing with that sh–, um, stuff, I do a second shampoo with something nice.

My absolute favorite-est shampoo was Herbal Essence, when it debuted in the 70s.

For itchy scalps, stay FAR, FAR AWAY from stuff called “Scalpicin.” It feels like setting your hair on fire. It’s something like 50% isopropyl alcohol.


Hey! Ivy runnin’ round screaming “Head burning, Head burning!!” Might be entertaining.


Dandruff shampoo is vile! Forget all about that and try Listerine original flavor (the yellow kind). Saturate your scalp before you shampoo (it doesn’t have to be right before you shampoo–you can do it the night before, or whatever works for you). I had to do it for a while before I saw lasting results, but now I have to do it rarely, when I get a little itchiness. It’s a much better lifestyle. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ooh. Nice.
I will tell her that.