Bad Cops

What is your worst experience you’ve had with officers of the law? Mine was as follows:

I was walking on the sidewalk when I came to where the exit from a parking ramp was. There was a traffic light there, and it was red facing me, but I presumed that applied to the street traffic. Using my God-given intelligence, I looked to see if any cars were exiting the ramp, and when I saw there were none proceeded.

A cop then gave me a ticket for jaywalking against a red light. That would have been tolerable. But the cop, I don’t know if he’d had a fight with his wife, or if his hemmorhoids were bothering him, or what; but he proceeded to verbally abuse me as he was writing out the ticket. And when I finally suggested that he was out of line, he threatened to arrest me.

I was so angry I think I literally would have killed him if I’d had a gun on me. Since then I instinctively hate and fear cops. And I’m white; if I’d been black, I probably would have gotten arrested.

Umm… Isn’t this a TMS something or other? :slight_smile:

I was teaching a girlfriend how to drive a stick-shift in a montgomery wards parking lot on a sunday night. This police officer told me to teach her to drive in some other county. So let me get this straight…I can’t teach her how to drive a stick in a EMPTY parking lot?..because I figured it’s private property…the cop can tell me to leave…but to tell me to go to another COUNTY? I wish I’d just asked her where SHE learned how to drive a stick. Because I think about everyone I know learned in a parking lot somewhere. All I could think was WTF are you doing bothering us? Why aren’t you out arresting murderers or catching thieves?
It would’ve been SO easy for the cop to have handled the situation in a NICE way. But no the cop had to be a prick about it.


I’d bet both of those policemen were town cops. Without wanting to stereotype, these guys are often hired out of the shallow end the law enforcement pool. They don’t receive as much training or pay as cops do in larger departments, so for some of them the main attraction of the job is that they can carry a gun and throw their weight around.

I think this topic better suited for MPSIMS.

GQ Mod

I used to work as a security guard for a county school agency in the Los Angeles area. Often there was nobody else there, just me. And just my car on the lot. I was tolerant if people wanted to teach a relative to drive, or even if kids are playing with a radip-controlled car on the back lot. I had to put my foot down, however, when people seemed to be “camping out” on the lot, or “souping up” a car (rather than making quick repairs after a breakdown), or trying to burn rubber. Nor would we permit kids to ride skateboards when cars were coming in or out–better that a few kids curse me under their breath than that LACOE be a defendant in a civil suit, or worse, a wrongful-death action. In short, I learned how to apply rules properly–something the cops in the above examples haven’t grasped. I hope they do before we have another Rodney King. :frowning:
I invite any policemen among the Teeming Millions to give * their * side of the matter.

My senior year in high school I went to the thanksgiving day parade with my girlfriend. The hobos in that area were eyeing her car and talking about stealing it. This obviously made her uncomfortable to leave her car parked there. At the corner were standing 3 of detroits finest. I politley explained to them the situation and asked them if they would keep an eye on the car and make sure it was all right.

To which they replied looking me right in the eye, “Yeah, Right”

Your tax dollars at work. :frowning:

I could go on forever in a topic like this one. I have had so many bad experiences with the law enforcement personnel. I will keep this post short by listing just one.

First I must admit, I screwed up alot with my driver’s license. But, it wasn’t all my fault. I’ve spent around 40 days, all together, in jail because of my driver’s license. Yes, that’s right! Most of the blame is on me but not all of it.

One day I got pulled over by an officer for a cracked windshield and was immediately arrested when the officer found a warrant out for my arrest (he was polite and was just doing his job). The warrant was issued for ‘failure to appear’. I never received this notice about a warrant because I moved around alot in those days. So, I was taken to booking and was processed. Bail was set at $1,500 and I bonded out with my own money. Don’t worry, this is going somewhere. I went to court regarding these matters and a fine of $980 was announced. Whatever, I just wanted my license back. I wanted to use the $1,500 bond to pay the fine. Easy enough. There is more, keep reading. My uncle had the bond receipt and went and got the refund and paid the fine. I got what was left over (my money anyways). So awhile later I got pulled over for going 45 in a 40 zone, and lo and behold I was arrested for an outstanding warrant for my arrest. The reason, not paying a court ordered fine. That’s right, my uncle never paid the fine (jackass). I received an 11 day suspended sentence for not paying the fine. While in jail my uncle went and paid the fine (this is how I found out about the jackass). He friggin’ paid the fine even though I was already serving time for it (again, jackass). Our relationship has been strained since.

=More later, I have to get going now. You will soon read about the worst experience.=

I am not weird, I’m just normle challenged.

Strained?? I should think you would take it out of his * ** HIDE!!! * **

I have only had one bad experience with the cops. It really wasn’t “Bad” he was just being a jerk.

But just look around at all the other service jobs and those people who are jerks to you each day. I don’t think the police are any more out of line.

I take the CTA (Chicago Public Trans) and they are far worse than the cops with abusing their power.

Also my neighborhood isn’t great so I appreciate any cops in my area anytime.

Brother Haus, it doesn’t sound like you had a bad experience with a cop; you had a bad experience with a relative.

Bad cops don’t kill people; having dark skin kills people.
I have to admit that despite the fact that from the age of 14 to 34 I’ve been on the wrong side of the law more often than not, the overwhelming majority of cops I’ve dealt with have been OK. Some were quite friendly.
Keep in mind:

  1. I’m white
  2. I say “sir” and “officer”
  3. I do not carry weapons
  4. I’m a reasonably passive drunk

I do not mean to imply that cops are racist. Black cops have treated me the same as white cops. I do know that black folks consistently report more hostility from police than white folks.

I have a bad experence with cops, two years ago I was skating downtown and this cop with a bad attutude pulled us over and gave out tickes for skating on public streets, but it gets worse. I pay the ticket 3 times because “they never recived it” and got a supprise warrent for my arrest 2 years after the fact! over a $50 ticket. It gets even better, it turns out the dallas city ordnace states that I’m sussposed to stay on public roads in that part of downtown. Dosen’t that suck. cops naturally hate us because of a little bastard of a skateboarder hated the cops and told them off. and they take it out on us! thats discrimination

mike King writes:

Brother Haus says: Mike, you are absolutely correct. My uncle and I have, sort of, worked things out since then. But,if you notice I did mention I would have to finish my story later.
And here it is:
-continued from an earlier post-
Long story short, I now have an HTO on my record. HTO is ‘Habitual Traffic Offender’; having been caught driving on a suspended license 3 or more times. Now here is my experience with the cop.
I now have a Business Class license; that is I am allowed to drive to work, school, the hospital, the grocery store, and anything else that serves as a basic need (not going to the ball park or the mall). I was driving to the grocery store and got pulled over by the cop for an illegal right hand turn. But there was nothing illegal about the turn. He was set up pulling over a bunch of people; mainly speeders. I pull over and wait till he was done pulling over the next person, then he comes over to me. I give him my license and registration and he checks them over. He comes back to my car and says, “Where are you going?” I say to the grocery store. He then asked me if I worked there. I said no. He then says I am not allowed to go there. I say that I was told that I was allowed. He said no. He then tells me he could take me to jail for violating my restricted license.
Well, I did not want to go back to jail, so I signed the tickets and went on my way to fight this another day.
The damn cop didn’t even know the law he was trying to uphold.
For another subject: The legal battle I had to go through to fight this wrongful charge. The assistant D.A. wanted to put me in jail for a friggin’ YEAR. Subject to come: Fighting the system!!

I am not weird, I’m just normle challenged.

I have two, the first relatively simple, the second extremely complicated. These are gonna be long, so skip ahead if you’re not interested.

  1. I was working for a radio station that was located about 20 minutes by freeway from my home. I was to be working the morning drive show that week, so I had to be in by 5:45. I was heading down 77 south out of Cleveland, going the speed limit, which is 60 there. In fact, I was going slightly under.

I come upon a police car. He is in front of me, doing no more than 50. So, I do what anyone would do; I put on my signal, got over, and sped up to no more than 55 and passed him.

As soon as I pull back in, on come the flashers–he pullsme over. I sit there while he calls it in. Finally he comes up, I have my license ready. He asks, “What do you think you’re doing?” I reply, “I’m sorry?”

He says, “What do you think you’re doing, passing me? Making me look bad? You don’t pass a cop?” I’m flabbergasted! I replied, “I don’t understand. Was I speeding, or commit an illegal action?”

He replies, “No, but you don’t just pass a cop like that. You don’t do that.” I looked him right in the eye, and said, “Are you ticketing me for something?” He gave me back my license and walked away. I shoulda got that motherfucker’s badge number and gone right to the station after work.

  1. I’ll start this one by copping to a traffic offense; I had gotten stopped for speeding in one of the suburbs, and had completely forgotten about paying the ticket. I admit it.

So, because of the unpaid ticket, my license was placed under administrative suspension. Problem was, I didn’t know it. When they mailed me the notification, I had moved, and the Ohio BMV doesn’t allow those to be forwarded.

So, around the second week of December (about 8 months later), my wife and I had rented a car (we didn’t own one anymore) to pick up a TV we were buying. I was planning on renewing my license the next day, as it had expired on my birthday, Nov. 27. Had the following not occurred, I would have discovered the suspension the next day at the license bureau, paid the ticket, and gone on with my life.

We were sitting at a stoplight, and I turned to look at something to my left. The light turned green. The person behind me honks, I turn back around, go through the light, and give them a little “Whoops!” wave in the rearview. On come the flashers–it’s a cop, and I’m convinced to this day that he thinks I flipped him off.

So, the routine begins, he takes my license. Only this time, he comes back and says, “Please step out of the car, sir.” he frisks me, then takes me over and tosses me in the back of the squad car. My wife has no idea what’s going on.

That’s when I find out my license has been suspended. I tell the cop this is news to me. He says, “Don’t you dare fucking lie to me. You know. That’s why you didn’t renew it.” I tell him, “No, I didn’t renew it because I don’t own a car, and was waiting until this week when I knew I’d have a rental and could get to the license bureau.” He replies, “You’re a liar.”

He then goes on to accuse me of stealing the car, saying, “What are you doing driving a car with out-of-state plates? And where did you get the television?”. I produce the rental receipt and the receipt for the TV. He says, “It’s a good thing your wife is with you and she’s licensed, or you’d be going to jail.” He ticketed me for driving under suspension, and reckless operation. Reckless operation!

When I finally had my court date, I pled “No contest.” The judge asked me what the story was. I told him, and he said a few unkind words about the cops and the BMV, dismissed the reckless op charge, and reduced the other from driving under suspension to not having my license at the time of the stop.

Well, I’m not here to make excuses for my brothers or sisters in blue. I have had my fair share of working with some bad cops, if you think you have it bad with the occassional brush with one, just imagine what it’s like for us when one of these assholes works on your shift.

I’d like to think most of us believe in the motto “Protect and Serve”, but as in all professions, you get the bad ones. Unfortunately ours has the power of the badge and the gun, and things can get worse than dealing with a smart-mouthed 7-11 clerk about a bad Shlurpee.

For what it’s worth, many PDs and sheriffs departments have processes where you can file complaints. Use it, that’s what it’s there for. Generally, they are outside the police chain of command so they are under no pressure and can investigate independently.

As much as I can, I don’t put up with unprofessional behavior from fellow cops who are just on a juvenile power trip. They are even more dangerous to their fellow officers, because they can escalate a situation that can be handled with a few tactful words into a full-fledged riot. I have been in those situations, and believe me, I had a few choice words to say to that cop after the action, and away from the public.

I have given tickets, made arrests and left people laughing as I departed because of my sense of humor. I use it just as effectively as pepper spray or my service weapon. Most of us have found that you can effect an arrest, restore order, make your presence known if you give common courtesy and respect. It also helps to have the community with you and makes your job easier when it is time to really go after the real dirtbags and shitheads, of which we never run out of.

Do I bring personal feelings to work sometimes? Sure I do, I’m a human being too. Sure glad you can’t hear some of the things I say while I’m in my car!! :slight_smile: (I have an * extremely * dry sense of humor) I really don’t want to have the guys from the TV show Cops riding with me! I have a bad habit of singing off-key country songs when I ride alone. The thing is, I leave it in the car when I have to respond to a call. On the “Grossest” thread I responded to a suicide call that got messy and I was really kind of irritated at the guy for messing my trousers with what was left of his brains. What the public saw was just a nameless cop securing the scene, talking with his supervisor and subtlely trying to exit the scene without the man’s widow having to view her husband’s remains all over my uniform. I did my venting about it after work, and a few beers.

There will always be people that hate cops, no matter what we do. I can accept that because it’s part of the profession. As for the bad cops, file your complaint, state it factually as best as you can, without emotion. Believe me, you’ll be doing me a big favor. There might even be a donut in it for you. :slight_smile:

“…send lawyers, guns, and money…”

 Warren Zevon

From August 98 to August 99, at least 12 cops have come to my house. Some idiot in LA calls them & informs them to come. He has to get a new one each time cause they wise up on him pretty quickly. They almost never write out anything to me or bring an interpreter, I have to wait another 2 hours to find out…

This is fun. Whenever you see a cop say, for example, ‘I’d like to buy tickets to the Monterey Policeman’s Ball!’ They usually say,
‘We don’t have balls…’

Myself and six other university students were driving to Mardi Gras from Montreal in a van that was pretty run down. In Mississipi, a state trooper pulled in behind the van while we filled up with gas. As we pulled onto the interstate, he pulled us over.

I was driving, but the van belonged to a girl with us. I got my licence, as well as hers and the registration. When I was waved out of the van, I got out and told them that I didn’t own the van, then asked if they wanted her, too. The officer nodded, so Lisa and I went back to talk to them. One stood in front of us, the other ten feet away cradling a shotgun.

The officer introduced himself as Officer Robert Charles, and the other as Officer Tracy Boyd (a man). He then asked us if we’d stopped in Meridian. After five minutes, we agreed that we didn’t know: we’d been on the road for thirty hours straight already, and just couldn’t remember. Officer Charles then asked very slowly if we had any kids in the van. Lisa and I looked at each other, a little confused, and said, “No.” Slower still, Officer Charles asked if he could check. Knowing that everyone inside had been cleaning, and that we didn’t have any alcohol or drugs in the van, we said yes.

Officer Charles went to the side door, which was opened for him. He took a long look inside, and came back, telling us that he’d had a report on a van like ours stopped in Meridian, with two small children tied up inside. Lisa and I were relieved: false alarm, no problem, we could go. Officer Charles did become more friendly after that, and we chatted for a while until his supervisor arrived.

Afterwards, we realised that we hadn’t stopped in Meridian. The pullover was either a prank by someone, or (more likely), he saw a hippie van and wanted to look inside, figuring he could nail us. Okay, fine, he’s an asshole, but no harm done.

Then he sees a sticker on the back of the van that reads “Red Sea Diving”. He asks what it is, and Lisa tells him that she went diving in the Red Sea. He nods thoughtfully, and asks her “do you have interests in the Middle East?”

Bells are going off in my head again, but I know better than to talk back to state troopers. Lisa says “Um, yes.” Officer Charles, speaking slowly again, asks “which part?”, to which Lisa replies “Israel”.

“Oh, you’re of jewish descent?” Lisa nods again, feeling pretty uncomfortable. “Have you heard the word of Christ?”

For the next half hour, we were stuck on the shoulder of the on-ramp while Officer Charles tried to enlighten this poor jew who’d crossed his path.

“Do you know that there is rebelliousness in your heart?”

“Um, yeah, well, you know… I’m easygoing.”

“Do you know that there is rebelliousness in your heart?”

In fairness to the Mississipi State Patrol, Officer Boyd was laughing at Officer Charles the whole time.

“Existence defies essence.” - John Barth?

“DWJ? That’s a serious crime down here, boy.”