I just saw a commercial for it, and two of the three movie critic quotes flashed on the screen were courtesy of the legendary Earl Dittman.
(For those who don’t know, Dittman never, ever, EVER gives a movie anything less than an absurdly glowing review. NEVER. Every movie he sees is, at that moment, the BEST movie he has ever seen in his entire, misguided existence. Also, it is unclear whether or not the magazine he is supposed to write for actually exists.)
I’ll watch Clint just to hear a “Make my day” and Bruce for a “mother fricker” and others just because they entertain me. Not all Bruce or Clint is good but I am easy to entertain.
All sorts of actors have a little something they do that will entertain me and make a movie worth while. YMMV
If only this were true. It would be better if Willis consistently made bad movies - it would give us something to rely upon. But unfortunately every once in a while he makes a good (or even great) movie. So every time we hear about a new Bruce Willis movie we can’t rule out the possibility that it might actually be worth watching. You never have this problem with Steven Seagal or Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Sagal and the muscles from brussels have made good movies? <boggle> the only reason I watch Hard Target is for Arnold Vosloo…I couldn’t give a rats ass about van damme…but Vosloo could read the phone book to me and I think i would get wet…
The sad part for me is, it’s based on a book by Robert Crais, who’s actually a really good mystery writer. Hostage, while okay, is hardly his best, and certainly not the first one of his I’d turn into a film. A lot of the best parts of the book are internal, and I doubt it’s going to translate very well to film. I hope that, if the film sucks as much as it looks like it’s likely to, his Elvis Cole series gets a shot. I think they’d make good films.
And I agree with Little Nemo; Willis has made some great films. Check out Nobody’s Fool, Twelve Monkeys, Pulp Fiction, the first Die Hard, and The Sixth Sense, for just a few.
He came out in a bright orange, er, saffron, suit with matching socks in honor of the recent Gates project.
I’ll give this to Bruce: he is always more than willing to make fun of himself. I have not seen this in Van Damme or Seagal (who is epecially unfunny).
I assume you also saw the bit with him as Cristo’s wife. Always great when stuff makes Dave laugh and cringe at the same time. Like Bill Murray or Steve Martin, Willis always bings something to the show. I really like the guy. Taken on the whole, his body of work is pretty impressive.
Are we sure “Hostage” isn’t just another name for “Diehard 12 - Die With a Blindfold On”? The guy’s a one-trick pony (aside from that ‘I see dead people’ flick), but nowhere near as bad as Seagal. I tried watching one of his godawful movies yesterday where he plays a cop from Brooklyn, phony accent and all. What a piece of tripe. Willis at least plays a pretty good badass.
Dude’s been in some of my favorite films:
Die Hard I and III were classics of the genre
The Sixth Sense
The Fifth Element
Pulp Fiction
12 Monkeys
and the upcoming Sin City looks amazing.
I mean, yeah, the guy’s had more than his share of stinkers, but who hasn’t with a career as long as his, and hell, being in the Fifth Element forgives a LOT in my book.
I thought the premise of the movie sounded interesting and Bruce Willis is hardly the worste actor in hollywood. As others have pointed out he’s made a lot of decent movies. On the other hand he was also the voice of the baby in Look Who’s Talking.