Banana and tomato in the same jar?

I seem to remember, as a child, looking at Children’s Digest and seeing one of those kid-experiment things that involved putting a banana and a tomato in the same jar. They were either supposed to help each other ripen, or make napalm, I dunno. Today at Albertson’s, I bought a banana and a peach.

Cashier: You gonna put these in a jar together?

Me: That’s a tomato. You’re supposed to put a banana and a tomato in a jar together.

Cashier: I heard it was a peach, or, no, an orange.

Me: Well, a tomato is supposedly a fruit, whatever. But what’s it do?

Cashier: I forget.

Sorry, that was more MPSIMS than GQ. But apparently, I’m not the only person who’s vaguely heard of this thing. So, is there any merit in hermetically sealing bananas with tomatoes?

I found this good site to read:

Damn, too fast again.
Anyway, my WAG is it’s any plant.

I didn’t pay too much attention in Botany lecture so you might want to wait for someone who didn’t fall asleep in class.

I see! Thank you.

Another version of this I had heard was to put an apple in with a basket of peaches. Apparently the ethelene(?) given off by the apple causes the peaches to ripen more slowly.

We tried it last year, and it seemed to work (although we weren’t performing an experiment and had no control groups or consistent monitoring…YMMV). The peaches started drying out long before they became overripe.