Banana hanger

I recently “inherited” a wire stand for hanging bananas on. It’s great; the only flaw is you can’t actually hang bananas on it, because when the bananas are just right, they start self-peeling under their own weight.

It’s a feature, not a bug.

Buy mini bananas. They weigh less:)

This is how you know you’re not eating them fast enough.

This is how you know it’s time to make banana bread (or muffins).

Ocassionally, often on foreign beaches you see a man sporting a sort of thong style swim suit.

You may be surprised to learn that this is humerously referred to as a ‘banana hammock’.

I was prepared for a very different discussion!

I’m sorry for your loss.

Sensible people eat a 4.5-5 banana. If you’re letting it get to 7 that’s just gross.

Bananas generate heat when they ripen, which speeds up the ripening process. The hanger should allow for even ripening of the “hand” as it allows air movement all around. Also, don’t keep apples next to bananas. Apples emit ethylene gas which jump starts the ripening process.

My store sells a fruit bowl with a “banana hammock” on it. Every time a customer buys one, I have to keep from laughing.

That picture guide seems pretty off balance. Do they really think the banana they label as a 7 has gone as far as a banana can go? It barely has spots.

This is a more realistic picture guide. The banana they show as a 7 actually has some significant browning.

I feel this picture guide goes too far in the other direction. In this guide the banana they label as a 4 has more spots than the banana the first guide labeled as a 7.

Interesting. My family’s business was banana ripening rooms and the color chart I linked to was the one we used. I just looked at Chiquita’s web page and they list 5:

Yellow with Green Tips
Yellow with Brown Flecks

Chiquita was one of our biggest clients.

Nevertheless, I like bananas that are a little more starchy. People that are different than me are gross!:slight_smile:

How often did you encounter big-ass spiders from those?

Yep. I keep seeing “banana hammock” as well.

Not much. We didn’t operate distribution centers, we made pressurized ripening rooms. A truck full of green bananas (40,000 lbs) would show up at a distribution center, and immediately moved into one of the rooms (one semi load of bananas per room), then the oxygen was displaced and the temperature was controlled. When it was time to ripen the bananas they would be gassed with ethylene and the temperature brought up. Five days later the bananas would be shipped to grocery stores, all of them the same color. Each store had their own requirements for color.

By the time a box was opened any spiders were dead from lack of oxygen. The only time they would be alive was if there was a shortage of bananas. Then the boxes would be gassed and shipped immediately to the grocery. But even then the few spiders were pretty slow from being trapped without food for a week or more.

The traditional way to store a bunch of bananas is to suspend it upside-down from the ceiling of the storage room using a short loop of rope yarn hitched around the stalk; this should end up hanging around shoulder-high.

Displacing all the oxygen from the room should indeed put a damper on pests.

Those also peel off when things are just right. :slight_smile:

The ever popular graph of banana ripeness:


Luckily not; I just moved into a new place, and Previous Guy left a few things behind. That’s why “inherited” and not actually inherited.

I strongly dislike any banana that’s less than a 6 on your chart. I’ll eat them on 6, but 7 and 8 are the best according to your chart. (Yes, I realize your chart stops at 7.) 9 is where I draw the line.

Oh, I read more closely - your work was before the bananas arrive in the store. That makes sense of your chart being so strongly skewed to green and unripe.

I agree - juuust this side of rotten is how I like ‘em.